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Integrating knowledge-guided symbolic regression and model-based design of experiments to automate process flow diagram development
Chemical Engineering Science ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2024.120580
Alexander W. Rogers , Amanda Lane , Cesar Mendoza , Simon Watson , Adam Kowalski , Philip Martin , Dongda Zhang

New products must be formulated rapidly to succeed in the global formulated product market; however, key product indicators (KPIs) can be complex, poorly understood functions of the chemical composition and processing history. Consequently, scale-up must currently undergo expensive trial-and-error campaigns. To accelerate process flow diagram (PFD) optimisation and knowledge discovery, this work proposed a novel digital framework to automatically quantify process mechanisms by integrating symbolic regression (SR) within model-based design of experiments (MbDoE). Each iteration, SR proposed a Pareto front of interpretable mechanistic expressions, and then MbDoE designed a new experiment to discriminate them while balancing PFD optimisation. To investigate the framework’s performance, a new process model capable of simulating general formulated product synthesis was constructed to generate in-silico data for different case studies. The framework effectively discoverd ground-truth process mechanisms within a few iterations, indicating its great potential for the general chemical industry for digital manufacturing and product innovation.



新产品必须快速配制才能在全球配制产品市场取得成功;然而,关键产品指标 (KPI) 可能很复杂,而且人们对化学成分和加工历史的了解很少。因此,扩大规模目前必须经历昂贵的试错活动。为了加速流程流程图(PFD)优化和知识发现,这项工作提出了一种新颖的数字框架,通过将符号回归(SR)集成到基于模型的实验设计(MbDoE)中来自动量化流程机制。每次迭代,SR 都会提出可解释的机械表达式的帕累托前沿,然后 MbDoE 设计一个新的实验来区分它们,同时平衡 PFD 优化。为了研究该框架的性能,构建了一个能够模拟通用配方产品合成的新工艺模型,以生成不同案例研究的计算机数据。该框架在几次迭代内有效地发现了真实的过程机制,表明其在通用化学工业数字化制造和产品创新方面的巨大潜力。