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Components of urban climate analyses for the development of planning recommendation maps
Urban Climate ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.uclim.2024.102090
Florian Reinwald , Sophie Thiel , Astrid Kainz , Claudia Hahn

Due to their high density and sealing, cities are vulnerable to more frequently occurring extreme weather events such as heat, heavy rainfall and storms. Urban planning needs to respond to these climate risks. Urban climate analysis maps are used to assess climate-related hazards. Subsequently, planning recommendation maps aim to inform urban planning processes and to derive effective measures for climate change adaptation planning. Taking the IPCC risk concept as a methodological framework, this paper assesses whether and how all three components of this concept – hazards, exposure and vulnerabilities – are considered in existing urban climate analyses and planning recommendation maps based on a comparison of 12 urban climate analyses from Switzerland, Germany and Austria. This comparative analysis highlights difficulties in the practical delineation of the components hazard, exposure and vulnerability in order to assess the risk of climate impacts on cities. The informativeness of planning recommendation maps depends on the depth of the analyses of the components and subsequently affects the quality of derived planning measures for urban climate adaptation and mitigation planning. The results confirm that there are basically two methodological approaches: those of climatopes and those of urban climate models. Increasingly, there are also mixed forms that combine the possibilities of both variants. Many additional analyses or components are needed to carry out a comprehensive risk analysis, to identify particularly affected areas and thus to provide spatially explicit indications for measures. We conclude from our comparison that urban climatic analyses must therefore include four components to enable spatial climate change adaptation: (1) urban climatic analysis related to the hazard component, (2) in depth social and spatial analysis related to exposure and vulnerability components, (3) adaptation options and thus (4) planning recommendations and planning recommendation maps as “guidance to reduce the risk”. To improve these analyses and provide a better basis for decision making and planning a (international) standardisation is recommended. A joint analysis of climate scenarios as well as socio-demographic and spatial developments can support a better analysis of (future) risks for cities. The effectiveness and implementation could be promoted if the analyses are linked to the cities' “regular” planning instruments and the statutory planning instruments.



由于其高密度和封闭性,城市很容易受到更频繁发生的极端天气事件的影响,例如高温、强降雨和风暴。城市规划需要应对这些气候风险。城市气候分析图用于评估与气候相关的危害。随后,规划建议图旨在为城市规划过程提供信息,并为气候变化适应规划制定有效措施。本文以 IPCC 风险概念作为方法论框架,基于对 12 个城市气候分析的比较,评估了现有城市气候分析和规划建议图中是否以及如何考虑这一概念的所有三个组成部分——危害、暴露和脆弱性。瑞士、德国和奥地利。这项比较分析强调了在实际描述危害、暴露和脆弱性的组成部分以评估气候对城市影响的风险方面的困难。规划建议图的信息量取决于各组成部分分析的深度,进而影响城市气候适应和减缓规划的衍生规划措施的质量。结果证实,基本上有两种方法:气候类型方法和城市气候模型方法。越来越多的混合形式也结合了两种变体的可能性。需要许多额外的分析或组成部分来进行全面的风险分析,以确定受影响特别严重的区域,从而为措施提供明确的空间指示。 我们从比较中得出结论,城市气候分析必须包括四个组成部分,以实现空间气候变化适应:(1)与灾害成分相关的城市气候分析,(2)与暴露和脆弱性成分相关的深入的社会和空间分析,( 3) 适应方案,从而 (4) 规划建议和规划建议图作为“降低风险的指南”。为了改进这些分析并为决策和规划提供更好的基础,建议建立(国际)标准化。对气候情景以及社会人口和空间发展的联合分析可以支持更好地分析城市(未来)风险。如果分析与城市“常规”规划工具和法定规划工具相联系,则可以促进有效性和实施。