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Flow and transport in the vadose zone: On the impact of partial saturation and Peclet number on non-Fickian, pre-asymptotic dispersion
Advances in Water Resources ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2024.104774
Emma Ollivier-Triquet , Benjamin Braconnier , Véronique Gervais-Couplet , Souhail Youssef , Laurent Talon , Daniela Bauer

Transport phenomena in unsaturated porous media still present an important research topic. In particular, in the context of recent environmental concerns, further understanding of contaminant transport in the partially saturated vadose zone is necessary. However, there is currently a lack of understanding of the relationship between water saturation, in particular the two-phase distribution, and dispersion. This is due to the intricate interactions between the two-phase flow and the porous structure, as well as the complexity of the experimental techniques, which prevents a significant number of configurations from being analysed.


