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Uncovering Historical Reservoir Operation Rules and Patterns: Insights From 452 Large Reservoirs in the Contiguous United States
Water Resources Research ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-09 , DOI: 10.1029/2023wr036686
Donghui Li 1 , Yanan Chen 1 , Lingqi Lyu 1 , Ximing Cai 1

Reservoir operations are influenced by hydroclimatic variability, reservoir characteristics (i.e., size and purpose), policy regulation, as well as operators' experiences and justification. Data-driven reservoir operation models based on long-term historical records shed light on understanding reservoir operation rules and patterns. This study applies generic data-driven reservoir operation models (GDROMs) developed for 452 data-rich reservoirs with diversified operation purposes across the CONUS to explore typical operation rules and patterns. We find that the operating policies of any of these reservoirs can be modeled with a small number (1–8) of typical operation modules. The derived modules applied to different conditions of the 452 reservoirs can be categorized into five basic types, that is, constant release, inflow-driven piecewise constant release, inflow-driven linear release, storage-driven piecewise constant release, and storage-driven nonlinear (or piecewise linear) release. Additionally, a joint-driven release module, constructed from these five basic types, has been identified. The analysis further shows the module application transition patterns featuring operation dynamics for reservoirs of different operation purposes, sizes, and locations. The typical module types can be used as “Lego” bricks to build operation models, especially for data-scarce reservoirs. These module types and their application and transition conditions can inform Standard Operation Policy (SOP) and Hedging Policy (HP) with specific inflow, storage, and/or both conditions.


揭示历史水库运行规律和模式:来自美国本土 452 个大型水库的见解

水库运营受到水文气候变化、水库特征(即规模和用途)、政策规定以及运营商的经验和理由的影响。基于长期历史记录的数据驱动的水库运行模型有助于理解水库运行规则和模式。本研究应用针对美国大陆 452 个数据丰富、运行目的多样化的水库开发的通用数据驱动水库运行模型 (GDROM) 来探索典型的运行规则和模式。我们发现任何这些水库的运行策略都可以用少量(1-8)个典型运行模块来建模。针对452个水库不同工况的衍生模块可分为5种基本类型,即恒定释放、流入驱动分段恒定释放、流入驱动线性释放、蓄水驱动分段恒定释放和蓄水驱动非线性(或分段线性)释放。此外,还确定了由这五种基本类型构建的联合驱动的发布模块。分析进一步显示了具有不同运行目的、规模和位置的水库运行动态的模块应用转换模式。典型的模块类型可以用作“乐高”积木来构建运行模型,特别是对于数据稀缺的水库。这些模块类型及其应用和转换条件可以告知标准操作策略(SOP)和对冲策略(HP)特定的流入、存储和/或这两种条件。