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When you are the "other": A scoping review of the experiences of clinicians of color working with White clients.
Journal of Counseling Psychology ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-01 , DOI: 10.1037/cou0000729
Elise J Y Choe 1 , Jasmine Blake 2 , Morgan C Huenergarde 2 , Liz S Wells 2 , Emily N Srisarajivakul 2

With an ever-diversifying population and society, intercultural dynamics has been a topic of interest for many years. This is especially true within the mental health profession, as the effects of clinician bias and behaviors on client outcomes have been studied and documented many times over. However, often times these studies focus on the White clinician and client of color dynamic, with focus on the White clinician's way of being or competency and the resulting perceptions of the client of color. The opposite dynamic, that of a clinician of color with a White client, has often been overlooked and ignored. Yet, with more clinicians of color (COCs) entering the field, and with demand of mental health services increasing, this unique dynamic needs to be understood. The experiences of COCs when they are the "other" within the room is unique and not well-documented. A scoping review of the literature is conducted to examine what research has been conducted on COCs working with White clients. A total of four articles were included in the final review, and the types of research being conducted, risks of micro- and macroaggressions, the different strategies utilized, and the unique needs of COCs are analyzed and summarized. This study adds to this budding conversation by examining the extant literature on COC's experiences. Results of the limited literature and hopeful future directions are discussed, including a discussion on cultural humility as a critical factor in individual and systemic change. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).



随着人口和社会的不断多样化,跨文化动态多年来一直是人们感兴趣的话题。在心理健康行业尤其如此,因为临床医生的偏见和行为对客户结果的影响已经被多次研究和记录。然而,这些研究常常关注白人临床医生和肤色动态的客户,重点关注白人临床医生的存在方式或能力以及由此产生的肤色客户的看法。相反的动态,即有色人种临床医生与白人客户的动态,经常被忽视和忽视。然而,随着越来越多的有色人种临床医生 (COC) 进入该领域,以及心理健康服务需求的增加,我们需要了解这种独特的动态。当 COC 成为房间内的“其他人”时,他们的经历是独特的,并且没有详细记录。对文献进行了范围审查,以检查对与白人客户合作的 COC 进行了哪些研究。最终综述共收录了四篇文章,对正在进行的研究类型、微观和宏观攻击的风险、所采用的不同策略以及 COC 的独特需求进行了分析和总结。这项研究通过考察关于 COC 经验的现有文献,为这一刚刚萌芽的对话增添了色彩。讨论了有限文献的结果和充满希望的未来方向,包括对文化谦逊作为个人和系统变革的关键因素的讨论。 (PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2024 APA,保留所有权利)。