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Understanding the Psychosis Spectrum Using a Hierarchical Model of Social Cognition
Schizophrenia Bulletin ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-09 , DOI: 10.1093/schbul/sbae138
Trevor F Williams 1 , Amy E Pinkham 2 , Vijay A Mittal 1, 3

Background and Hypothesis Social cognitive impairments are central to psychosis, including lower severity psychosis-like experiences (PLEs). Nonetheless, progress has been hindered by social cognition’s poorly defined factor structure, as well as limited work examining the specificity of social cognitive impairment to psychosis. The present study examined how PLEs relate to social cognition in the context of other psychopathology dimensions, using a hierarchical factors approach to social cognition. Study Design Online community participants (N = 1026) completed psychosis, autism, and personality disorder questionnaires, as well as 3 social cognitive tasks that varied in methodology (vignette vs video) and construct (higher- vs lower-level social cognition). Exploratory (EFA) and confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) were used to model social cognition, with the best models being examined in association with PLEs and psychopathology dimensions. Study Results EFA and CFA supported a hierarchical model of social cognition, with 2 higher-order factors emerging: verbal/vignette task methodology and a multimethod general social cognition factor. These higher-order factors accounted for task-level associations to psychopathology, with relations to positive symptoms (r = .23) and antagonism (r = .28). After controlling for other psychopathology, positive symptoms were most clearly related to tasks with verbal methodology (β = −0.34). Conclusions These results suggest that broad social cognitive processes and method effects may account for many previous findings in psychosis and psychopathology research. Additionally, accounting for broad social cognitive impairment may yield insights into more specific social cognitive processes as well.



背景和假设 社会认知障碍是精神病的核心,包括较轻严重程度的精神病样经历 (PLE)。尽管如此,社会认知定义不明确的因素结构以及研究社会认知障碍对精神病的特异性的工作有限,阻碍了进展。本研究使用分层因素方法进行社会认知,检查了 PLE 在其他精神病理学维度的背景下与社会认知的关系。研究设计 在线社区参与者 (N = 1026) 完成了精神病、自闭症和人格障碍问卷,以及 3 项在方法(小插图与视频)和结构(高级与低级社会认知)上有所不同的社交认知任务。探索性 (EFA) 和验证性因子分析 (CFA) 用于对社会认知进行建模,最佳模型与 PLEs 和精神病理学维度相关联进行检查。研究结果 EFA 和 CFA 支持社会认知的分层模型,出现了 2 个高阶因素:语言/小插图任务方法和多方法一般社会认知因素。这些高阶因素解释了与精神病理学的任务级关联,与阳性症状 (r = .23) 和拮抗 (r = .28) 有关。在控制了其他精神病理学后,阳性症状与语言方法的任务最明显相关 (β = -0.34)。结论 这些结果表明,广泛的社会认知过程和方法效应可能解释了精神病和精神病理学研究中的许多先前发现。此外,考虑广泛的社交认知障碍也可能有助于了解更具体的社交认知过程。