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Timing of intercontinental faunal migrations: Anguimorph lizards from the earliest Eocene (MP 7) of Dormaal, Belgium
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-09 , DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlae082
Andrej Čerňanský 1 , Richard Smith 2 , Thierry Smith 2 , Annelise Folie 3

Here we report on anguimorph lizards from the earliest Eocene (MP 7) of the Dormaal locality in Belgium, from the time of the warmest global climate of the past 66 million years. Several clades can be identified in this site: Glyptosauridae, Varanidae, and Palaeovaranidae. Our study focuses on glyptosaurid specimens previously reported from the site, some of which had been provisionally described as a new species,?Placosaurus ragei, and some assigned to an unnamed Placosauriops-like ‘melanosaurine’. Our study presents data on new material, including an almost complete glyptosaurine frontal that has enabled us to assign much of the previously described material to a single genus and species. The specimens that had been assigned to both ?P ragei and the ‘melanosaurine’ share apomorphies (flat osteoderms and chevron-shaped osteoderms) with Gaultia, a glyptosaurid previously known from the earliest Eocene of Wyoming, USA. The Dormaal material represents the first record of this genus outside North America. In fact, the only potential evidence of the occurrence of ‘Melanosaurinae’ in Dormaal might be a single isolated vertebra described here. Here we also describe previously unfigured material of Saniwa and palaeovaranids from Dormaal. The presence of previously reported helodermatids cannot be supported in this Belgian site.


洲际动物迁徙的时间:来自比利时多尔马尔最早始新世(MP 7)的安吉莫蜥蜴

在这里,我们报道了比利时多玛尔地区最早的始新世 (MP 7) 的安吉莫蜥蜴,该地区是过去 6600 万年来全球气候最温暖的时期。该站点可以识别出几个分支:雕龙科、蜥蜴科和古蜥科。我们的研究重点是先前从该地点报告的雕龙科标本,其中一些已被暂时描述为新物种,雷吉板龙,还有一些被指定为未命名的类似板龙的“黑龙”。我们的研究提供了有关新材料的数据,包括几乎完整的雕龙额叶,这使我们能够将先前描述的大部分材料分配给单个属和物种。被分配到 ?P ragei 和“melanosaurine”的标本与 Gaultia 具有非对称性(平坦的骨皮和 V 形骨皮),Gaultia 是一种先前已知的最早始新世美国怀俄明州的雕龙科动物。多玛尔材料代表了北美以外该属的第一个记录。事实上,在多马尔出现“黑龙亚科”的唯一潜在证据可能是这里描述的单个孤立的椎骨。在这里,我们还描述了以前未曾描绘过的来自多玛尔的萨尼瓦和古瓦拉科动物的材料。该比利时网站无法支持先前报道的毒蜥皮科动物的存在。