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Digital Reconstruction: A Critical Examination of the History and Adaptation of Ku Klux Klan Websites
Journal of Interpersonal Violence ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-09 , DOI: 10.1177/08862605241260002
Ashton Kingdon 1 , Aaron Winter 2

In response to the data revolution, academic research and media attention have increasingly focused on the technological adaptation and innovation displayed by the far right. The greatest attention is paid to social media and how groups and organizations are utilizing technological advancement and growth in virtual networks to increase recruitment and advance radicalization on a global scale. As with most social and political endeavors, certain technologies are in vogue and thus draw the attention of users and regulators and service providers. This creates a technological blind spot within which extremist groups frequently operate older and less well regarded technologies without the oversight that one might expect. This article examines the less well-studied traditional and official websites of the Ku Klux Klan, the most established and iconic of American far-right organizations. By incorporating non-participant observation of online spaces and thematic analysis, this research analyzes the evolution of 26 websites, from their emergence in the early 1990s to the present day. We examine the ways in which traditional printed communications and other ephemera have progressed with advances in technology, focusing on the following central elements of Klan political activism and community formation: Klan identity, organizational history, aims and objectives; technology and outreach, including online merchandise and event organization; and the constructions of whiteness and racism. The results add value and insight to comparable work by offering a unique historical insight into the ways in which the Klan have developed and made use of Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and Web3 technologies.



为了应对数据革命,学术研究和媒体的注意力越来越集中在极右翼所表现出的技术适应和创新上。最受关注的是社交媒体以及团体和组织如何利用技术进步和虚拟网络的增长来增加招募并在全球范围内推进激进化。与大多数社会和政治活动一样,某些技术很流行,因此引起了用户、监管机构和服务提供商的注意。这造成了一个技术盲点,极端主义团体经常在其中使用较旧且不太受关注的技术,而不受人们所期望的监督。本文探讨了研究较少的三K党传统网站和官方网站,该党是美国最成熟、最具标志性的极右组织。通过结合在线空间的非参与观察和主题分析,本研究分析了 26 个网站从 20 世纪 90 年代初出现到现在的演变。我们研究了传统印刷通讯和其他短暂的方式随着技术的进步而进步,重点关注三K党政治活动和社区形成的以下核心要素:三K党身份、组织历史、宗旨和目标;技术和推广,包括在线商品和活动组织;以及白人和种族主义的建构。研究结果通过提供对 Klan 开发和使用 Web 1.0、Web 2.0 和 Web3 技术的方式的独特历史洞察,为同类工作增加了价值和洞察力。