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Do-it-yourself lifestyle movements in grassroots activist communities: A case study of Brisbane, Australia
Journal of Sociology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-09 , DOI: 10.1177/14407833241269183
Elise Imray Papineau 1 , Andy Bennett 1

In this article, we draw on the concepts of lifestyle movements and Do-It-Yourself culture to explore activist identity and practice among grassroots activist groups in Brisbane, Australia. Although Do-It-Yourself ethos is often conceptualised in terms of countercultural ideology linking music, politics and aesthetics, we examine it here as a core characteristic of creative resistance and grassroots organising. We present the case study of an activist blockade camp emerging during the COVID-19 lockdown in Brisbane in 2020 to explore activist lifestyles in the Australian context and reflect on the possibilities of radicalisation and collective affinities through Do-It-Yourself politics and practices. The impact of COVID-19 during early 2020 and the socio-economic disruptions that followed provide an interesting backdrop against which to study the development of Do-It-Yourself activist lifestyles within social movements. Our findings illustrate the potential of activist lifestyle movements within and beyond localised campaigns, while reinforcing the relevance of using Do-It-Yourself frameworks to theorise activist culture.



在本文中,我们利用生活方式运动和DIY文化的概念来探讨澳大利亚布里斯班草根活动团体中的活动家身份和实践。尽管“自己动手”精神通常被概念化为将音乐、政治和美学联系起来的反文化意识形态,但我们在这里将其视为创造性抵抗和草根组织的核心特征。我们提出了 2020 年布里斯班新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 封锁期间出现的激进分子封锁营的案例研究,探讨澳大利亚背景下的激进分子生活方式,并反思通过“自己动手”的政治和实践实现激进化和集体亲和力的可能性。 2020 年初 COVID-19 的影响以及随之而来的社会经济混乱为研究社会运动中“DIY”积极生活方式的发展提供了一个有趣的背景。我们的研究结果说明了激进生活方式运动在本地化运动内外的潜力,同时强化了使用“自己动手”框架来理论化激进主义文化的相关性。