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Beyond the Binary: The Issue of Intra-Minority Hostility and the Need to Challenge Conventional Victim/Perpetrator Frameworks Within Hate Studies
Journal of Interpersonal Violence ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-09 , DOI: 10.1177/08862605241260004
Amy Clarke 1

It is well-established within the hate studies literature that the majority of hate crimes and incidents of targeted hostility are perpetrated by those in the “majority” society. In the UK, academic and official research consistently shows that young White, British males are most commonly the culprits of all forms of targeted victimization, especially racist hate. However, urban areas of “super-diversity” offer researchers an opportunity to understand hate crime victimization and perpetration in a more nuanced and comprehensive way. Hate studies research has slowly begun to highlight instances of people from marginalized and stigmatized groups being targeted on the basis of their identity by individuals who are also members of minority groups, sometimes even the same minority group as the victim. Very little is understood about this particular victimizing dynamic other than it appears to be an attempt by minority group members to “fit in” by adopting what they perceive to be majority group values and attitudes. By drawing from 44 qualitative in-depth interviews exploring the experiences of new migrants and refugees and observations from 20 months of grassroots engagement, this article challenges established theories of “othering” that overwhelmingly refer to binary, static majority/minority tensions. The stories of these too-often “hidden” victims of targeted hostility offer a fresh perspective on the relationships between victims of hate and perpetrators. The article also contributes new explanations as to why those who are often targeted go on to target others.



仇恨研究文献中明确指出,大多数仇恨犯罪和有针对性的敌对事件都是由“多数”社会中的人实施的。在英国,学术和官方研究一致表明,年轻的英国白人男性最常见是各种形式的有针对性的受害者,尤其是种族主义仇恨的罪魁祸首。然而,“超级多样性”的城市地区为研究人员提供了一个机会,以更细致和更全面的方式了解仇恨犯罪的受害和犯罪行为。仇恨研究已慢慢开始强调来自边缘化和污名化群体的人因其身份而成为少数群体成员(有时甚至与受害者属于同一少数群体)的个人的攻击目标。人们对这种特殊的受害动态知之甚少,只知道它似乎是少数群体成员试图通过采用他们认为的多数群体价值观和态度来“融入”。本文借鉴了 44 次定性深入访谈,探讨了新移民和难民的经历,以及 20 个月基层参与的观察结果,对绝大多数涉及二元、静态多数/少数紧张关系的既定“他者”理论提出了挑战。这些经常被“隐藏”的针对性敌意受害者的故事为仇恨受害者与肇事者之间的关系提供了新的视角。这篇文章还对为什么那些经常成为攻击目标的人继续攻击其他人提供了新的解释。