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The Ambivalence of Far-Right Women: Hate, Trauma, Gender, and Neoliberalism in Contemporary Japan
Journal of Interpersonal Violence ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-09 , DOI: 10.1177/08862605241260010
Yutaka Yoshida 1

While far-right movements are commonly associated with masculinity and women are in the minority, it is notable that they often play significant roles within these movements. To deepen our understanding of the motivations behind women’s participation, this study challenges Blee’s argument that women’s motivations for participating are shaped by their interactions with other members. By using the psychosocial method devised by Hollway and Jefferson and developed by Gadd, the present study argues that women’s pre-participation experiences can play a vital part in drawing them to the movements. Through analyzing the life stories of six far-right women in Japan and conducting an in-depth case study of three of them, the study aims to uncover a wide range of experiences that may initially appear unrelated to far-right ideology but ultimately led these subjects to become involved in far-right movements. It highlights the importance of paying attention to their complex subjectivities, which are formed by the interplay between their unique trajectories and societal transitions concerning gender norms, particularly within the era of neoliberal “emancipation.” The study finds that the duality of far-right movements, which combine conservatism with deviance, enables some women to express paradoxical desires that they experience in response to living through a transitional era.



虽然极右运动通常与男性气质联系在一起,而女性只占少数,但值得注意的是,她们往往在这些运动中发挥着重要作用。为了加深我们对女性参与背后动机的理解,这项研究挑战了 Blee 的观点,即女性的参与动机是由她们与其他成员的互动决定的。通过使用霍尔威和杰斐逊设计并由加德开发的社会心理方法,本研究认为,女性参与前的经历可以在吸引她们参与运动方面发挥重要作用。通过分析日本六名极右翼女性的生活故事,并对其中三人进行深入的案例研究,该研究旨在揭示一系列广泛的经历,这些经历最初看似与极右翼意识形态无关,但最终导致了这些主题参与极右运动。它强调了关注她们复杂的主体性的重要性,这些主体性是由她们独特的轨迹和有关性别规范的社会转型之间的相互作用形成的,特别是在新自由主义“解放”时代。研究发现,极右运动的双重性将保守主义与越轨行为结合在一起,使一些女性能够表达她们在经历过渡时代时所经历的矛盾欲望。