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Indigenous climate finance and the worlding of International Relations: climate justice in motion
International Relations ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-09 , DOI: 10.1177/00471178241269764
Veronica Korber Gonçalves 1 , Thais Lemos Ribeiro 2 , Cristina Yumie Aoki Inoue 3, 4 , Juliana Lins 3

This exploratory research investigates how Indigenous Peoples (IPs) reshape International Relations (IR) and challenge established boundaries through an analysis of two Indigenous Climate Funds: the “Shandia Alliance for People, Nature and Climate” and the “Podáali Fund,” both autonomously managed by indigenous communities. By examining their engagements at COP-26 and conducting interviews, this study demonstrates how IPs act as pivotal agents shaping IR through their distinct ontologies and epistemologies. The findings underscore these funds’ role in broadening international perspectives, particularly in navigating tensions and fostering dialogues that redefine climate justice as an ongoing process of resistance. Ultimately, this paper contributes to re-rooting IR frameworks by centering indigenous perspectives and practices, thus exemplifying a “worlding” exercise that enriches our understanding of climate justice in motion.



这项探索性研究通过对两个土著气候基金的分析,调查了土著人民 (IP) 如何重塑国际关系 (IR) 和挑战既定界限:“桑迪亚人民、自然和气候联盟”和“Podáali 基金”,这两个基金都是自主管理的由土著社区。通过审查他们在 COP-26 上的参与情况并进行访谈,本研究展示了知识产权如何通过其独特的本体论和认识论作为塑造 IR 的关键代理人。研究结果强调了这些基金在拓宽国际视野方面的作用,特别是在缓解紧张局势和促进对话方面的作用,从而将气候正义重新定义为持续的抵抗过程。最终,本文通过集中本土观点和实践,有助于重新扎根国际关系框架,从而举例说明“世界化”实践,丰富我们对正在发生的气候正义的理解。