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Making Space for the Maritorio: Raizal Dispossession and the Geopoetic Imagination in the San Andrés Archipelago
Antipode ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-09 , DOI: 10.1111/anti.13084
Julie Cupples 1 , Charlotte Gleghorn 2 , Dixie Lee 3 , Raquel Ribeiro 2, 4

Drawing in part on the work of Édouard Glissant, this article explores how the Raizal population of the San Andrés Archipelago in the Caribbean mobilises the concept of maritorio as an archipelagic geopoetic vessel with emancipatory potential. This concept disrupts dominant land/sea binaries that result from and are rooted in geopolitical mechanisms and colonial fantasies. The San Andrés Archipelago is administratively and politically part of Colombia, but the Raizal people of the Archipelago share a long colonial and postcolonial history with Black Creole people elsewhere in the Anglophone Caribbean, especially the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua, based on diverse forms of economic, familial, and cultural exchange and marine mobilities. For many years, the status of the Archipelago was the basis of a dispute between Nicaragua and Colombia at the International Court of Justice, who ruled in 2012 that the islands were in fact Colombian while Nicaragua gained 75,000 km2 of sea. This ruling was devastating for the Raizales, fragmenting their maritorio and further thwarting Black mobilities and cultural exchange across the region. Legal‐geopolitical dislocations applied to the islands and the sea exacerbated structural conditions of racial and environmental injustice, while geopoetic responses by Raizal people to this state of affairs serve to confront colonial dispossession, ecological damage, and the ideological fixities of the Eurocentric nation‐state.


为马里托里奥腾出空间:圣安德烈斯群岛的 Raizal 剥夺和地缘诗意想象

本文部分借鉴了 Édouard Glissant 的工作,探讨了加勒比海圣安德烈斯群岛的 Raizal 居民如何运用“马里托里奥作为具有解放潜力的群岛地理诗船。这一概念破坏了由地缘政治机制和殖民幻想产生并植根于其中的占主导地位的陆地/海洋二元关系。圣安德烈斯群岛在行政和政治上是哥伦比亚的一部分,但该群岛的拉扎尔人与英语加勒比地区其他地方的黑人克里奥尔人,特别是尼加拉瓜加勒比海岸的黑人克里奥尔人有着悠久的殖民和后殖民历史,基于多种形式的经济、家庭、文化交流和海上流动。多年来,该群岛的地位一直是尼加拉瓜和哥伦比亚在国际法院争论的焦点,国际法院于 2012 年裁定这些岛屿实际上属于哥伦比亚,而尼加拉瓜则增加了 75,000 公里2海的。这一裁决对拉萨莱斯家族来说是毁灭性的,导致他们的婚姻支离破碎,并进一步阻碍了整个地区的黑人流动和文化交流。岛屿和海洋的法律地缘政治错位加剧了种族和环境不公正的结构性状况,而拉扎尔人对这种事态的地缘政治反应则有助于应对殖民掠夺、生态破坏和以欧洲为中心的民族国家的意识形态固定性。