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The iBelong Scale: Construction and validation of a measure of racial-ethnic-cultural belonging.
Journal of Counseling Psychology ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-25 , DOI: 10.1037/cou0000716
B Andi Lee 1 , Helen A Neville 2

The purpose of this study was to develop a measure of racial-ethnic-cultural (REC) belonging for Black, Indigenous, and other people of color (BIPOC). The iBelong Scale was designed to assess the multidimensional components of REC belonging across diverse BIPOC groups. The scale was constructed based on a grounded conceptual framework of REC belonging, and the initial pool of items received feedback from community members and content experts. Validation of the iBelong Scale comprised data from 808 BIPOC participants collected across three interrelated studies for the purposes of initial validation, construct validity, and test-retest reliability. In Study 1, an exploratory factor analysis yielded a 25-item scale with five factors: (a) Home, (b) Connection, (c) Authenticity, (d) REC Thriving, and (e) Self-Definition. Results from Study 2's confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the five-factor model was an acceptable fit of the data and the best fit among competing models. Measurement invariance was assessed, and results indicated that the iBelong Scale measures REC belonging similarly across differing BIPOC groups. The iBelong Scale was related to a range of measures in theoretically expected ways, including positive associations with general belonging, racial/ethnic identity, and general well-being, and negative associations with loneliness and REC nonbelonging. Findings from Study 3 indicated the test-retest reliability of the iBelong Scale over a 2-week period. Limitations of the studies and implications for research and practice are discussed. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).


iBelong 量表:种族-民族-文化归属感衡量标准的构建和验证。

本研究的目的是制定黑人、原住民和其他有色人种 (BIPOC) 的种族民族文化 (REC) 归属衡量标准。 iBelong 量表旨在评估不同 BIPOC 群体的 REC 归属感的多维组成部分。该量表是根据 REC 归属的基础概念框架构建的,初始项目库收到了社区成员和内容专家的反馈。 iBelong 量表的验证包含来自 808 名 BIPOC 参与者的数据,这些数据是在三项相关研究中收集的,目的是初步验证、构建有效性和重测可靠性。在研究 1 中,探索性因素分析得出了包含 5 个因素的 25 个项目量表:(a) 家庭、(b) 联系、(c) 真实性、(d) REC 蓬勃发展和 (e) 自我定义。研究 2 的验证性因素分析结果表明,五因素模型是可接受的数据拟合,并且是竞争模型中的最佳拟合。评估了测量不变性,结果表明 iBelong 量表测量不同 BIPOC 组之间的 REC 归属相似。 iBelong 量表以理论上预期的方式与一系列指标相关,包括与一般归属感、种族/族裔身份和一般幸福感的正相关,以及与孤独感和 REC 无归属感的负相关。研究 3 的结果表明 iBelong 量表在两周内的重测可靠性。讨论了研究的局限性以及对研究和实践的影响。 (PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2024 APA,保留所有权利)。