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Algorithm for estimating cultivar-specific parameters in crop models for newer crop cultivars
European Journal of Agronomy ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.eja.2024.127308
Sahila Beegum , Kambham Raja Reddy , Vangimalla Reddy

Model parameters in mechanistic process-based crop models are broadly classified into general parameters (environmental, management, and parameters related to soil processes), species-specific parameters, and cultivar-dependent parameters. While general and species-specific parameters typically remain unchanged, identifying cultivar-dependent parameters is crucial during calibration. With the continuous development of new cultivars, updating cultivar-specific parameters in crop models is necessary. However, gathering data on the behavior of these newer cultivars and calibrating the model to accommodate them is challenging. Currently, there is no standard approach for determining cultivar-specific parameters in crop models due to the difficulty of identifying variations in the growth and development process in newer cultivars, as well as the variations in the model structure, correlations between sub-model components and between different parameters in the crop models. The present study develops a standard methodology for determining cultivar-dependent parameters based on experiments and incorporating them into process-based crop growth models. The developed methodology is demonstrated using the cotton crop and the GOSSYM, a mechanistic process-based cotton crop simulation model. Experiments are conducted on 40 major cotton cultivars grown in the USA to quantify their growth and development under the same environmental and management conditions. Cultivar-dependent parameters are derived and integrated into the GOSSYM model based on the experimental data. By establishing a standardized methodology and demonstrating its application in the context of cotton and the GOSSYM model, this study provides practical guidance for incorporating cultivar-dependent parameters into crop simulation models. Researchers and agronomists can effectively utilize this methodology to integrate new cultivars into their crop models.



基于机械过程的作物模型中的模型参数大致分为一般参数(环境、管理和与土壤过程相关的参数)、物种特定参数和品种相关参数。虽然一般参数和物种特定参数通常保持不变,但在校准过程中识别品种相关参数至关重要。随着新品种的不断开发,更新作物模型中的品种特定参数是必要的。然而,收集这些新品种行为的数据并校准模型以适应它们是具有挑战性的。目前,由于难以识别新品种生长和发育过程的变化,以及模型结构、子模型组件之间的相关性和模型结构的变化,因此没有确定作物模型中品种特定参数的标准方法。作物模型中不同参数之间的关系。本研究开发了一种标准方法,用于根据实验确定品种相关参数,并将其纳入基于过程的作物生长模型。使用棉花作物和 GOSSYM(一种基于机械过程的棉花作物模拟模型)演示了所开发的方法。对美国种植的 40 个主要棉花品种进行了实验,以量化它们在相同环境和管理条件下的生长和发育。根据实验数据导出与品种相关的参数并将其集成到 GOSSYM 模型中。 通过建立标准化方法并展示其在棉花和 GOSSYM 模型中的应用,本研究为将品种相关参数纳入作物模拟模型提供了实用指导。研究人员和农学家可以有效地利用这种方法将新品种整合到他们的作物模型中。