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Assessing the efficacy and residual impact of plant growth retardants on crop lodging and overgrowth: A review
European Journal of Agronomy ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.eja.2024.127276
Huimin Li , Gege Cui , Guangyan Li , Hao Lu , Haiyan Wei , Hongcheng Zhang , Haipeng Zhang

Lodging caused by overgrowth significantly reduces crop yields worldwide annually. Plant growth retardants (PGRts) as a chemical intervention widely adopted in agricultural practices provide an effective strategy to mitigate lodging and control excessive growth. However, the diversity of PGRts and the limited research on their soil environmental safety necessitate comprehensive evaluation. To address this gap, we categorized the primary PGRts commonly used in agriculture and identified potential compounds. Classifying them based on their chemical properties, we reviewed their modes of action, suitability for various crops, and soil residue characteristics. Our findings indicate that quaternary ammonium compounds are highly effective in preventing lodging without leaving soil residues, and moderate dosages have negligible effects on overall yield due to their limited pharmacological properties. Triazole PGRts exhibit commendable efficacy in both lodging prevention and yield enhancement; however, their prolonged soil residue duration may pose challenges for subsequent crop growth. Cyclohexane carboxylic acid compounds demonstrate high efficiency and easy soil degradation, though careful management of Prohexadione-calcium application is necessary to avoid potential soil toxicity. The use of B9 in succinic acid compounds is limited by its high toxicity levels. Furthermore, we critically analyzed the limitations of PGRts and proposed strategies to address these challenges. Our study provides a theoretical basis for the efficient selection and application of PGRs, aiming to achieve high and stable crop yields while minimizing soil environmental risks.



过度生长引起的倒伏每年都会显着降低全球农作物产量。植物生长抑制剂(PGRts)作为一种在农业实践中广泛采用的化学干预措施,为减轻倒伏和控制过度生长提供了有效的策略。然而,植物遗传资源的多样性及其土壤环境安全性的研究有限,需要对其进行综合评价。为了解决这一差距,我们对农业中常用的主要 PGRt 进行了分类,并确定了潜在的化合物。我们根据它们的化学性质对它们进行分类,审查了它们的作用方式、对各种作物的适用性以及土壤残留特征。我们的研究结果表明,季铵化合物在防止倒伏方面非常有效,且不会留下土壤残留,而且由于其药理特性有限,中等剂量对总产量的影响可以忽略不计。三唑类PGRTs在预防倒伏和增产方面表现出值得称赞的功效;然而,其较长的土壤残留时间可能会给后续作物的生长带来挑战。环己烷羧酸化合物表现出高效且易于土壤降解,但需要仔细管理调环酸钙的施用以避免潜在的土壤毒性。 B9 在琥珀酸化合物中的使用因其高毒性而受到限制。此外,我们批判性地分析了 PGRt 的局限性,并提出了应对这些挑战的策略。我们的研究为植物遗传资源的高效选择和应用提供了理论依据,旨在实现作物高产稳产,同时最大限度地降低土壤环境风险。