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Trouble brewing: Craft ventures during market disruption
Journal of Business Venturing ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusvent.2024.106433
Daniel S. Andrews , Blake Mathias , Arun Kumaraswamy , Andreas P.J. Schotter

Prior studies of craft-based categories have emphasized member ventures' prototypical features of smallness and innovativeness, collaboration and cohesiveness norms, and a perception of shared fate forging their strong oppositional identity vis-a-vis industrialized producers. However, our study of craft breweries reveals the potential pitfalls of rigidly adhering to these features and norms during market disruptions. As consumer behaviors changed during the COVID-19 crisis, smallness and innovativeness became liabilities while scale and familiarity became indispensable, favoring larger breweries over prototypical members. This shift exposed hidden divisions within the category, challenging long-held beliefs in shared fate and entrenching heterogeneity among members. The consequent realignment within the category demonstrates how market disruptions can reshape craft-based ventures and categories. Our study advances a theoretical understanding of the dynamic nature of prototypical features and norms: An adherence to category prototypes can become a source of vulnerability during times of significant upheaval.



先前对手工艺类别的研究强调了成员企业的典型特征:小型和创新、协作和凝聚力规范以及共同命运的观念,这些特征形成了它们与工业化生产者的强烈对立身份。然而,我们对精酿啤酒厂的研究揭示了在市场混乱期间严格遵守这些特征和规范的潜在陷阱。随着新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 危机期间消费者行为发生变化,规模小和创新性成为不利条件,而规模和熟悉度则变得不可或缺,相比典型会员,大型啤酒厂更受青睐。这种转变暴露了该类别内隐藏的分歧,挑战了长期以来共同命运的信念,并加剧了成员之间的异质性。随后该类别内的重新调整表明市场颠覆如何重塑以手工艺为基础的企业和类别。我们的研究推进了对原型特征和规范的动态本质的理论理解:在重大动荡时期,对类别原型的坚持可能成为脆弱性的根源。