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Labor market reform as an external enabler of high-growth entrepreneurship: A multi-level institutional contingency perspective
Journal of Business Venturing ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusvent.2024.106428
Daniel L. Bennett , Gary Wagner , Michael Araki

We investigate the impact of friction-reducing labor market reforms on regional high-growth entrepreneurship (HGE) through the effects of reduced legal enforceability of noncompete agreements (NCAs). We draw on new institutional economic theory and the external enablement framework, with insights from the theory of market-preserving federalism, to explore how these reforms enable (disable) HGE within the context of other, concurrent institutional changes at different governance levels. We assemble a novel multi-level longitudinal dataset and employ staggered difference-in-differences estimation to assess causal effects. Our findings suggest that while reducing the enforceability of NCAs can foster regional HGE, the effectiveness of such reforms is heavily influenced by concurrent federal and local institutional changes. In sectors facing significant federal regulatory expansion, the benefits brought by the reduction of NCA enforceability are negated. However, local pro-market institutional changes can counteract the disabling effects of federal regulatory expansion. This highlights the need to consider how the evolving institutional environment influences potential enablers of HGE, cautioning against claims that these labor market reforms (or other exogenous environmental changes) universally yield positive entrepreneurship outcomes.



我们通过降低非竞争协议(NCAs)的法律可执行性的影响来调查减少摩擦的劳动力市场改革对区域高增长创业(HGE)的影响。我们利用新的制度经济理论和外部支持框架,结合市场保护联邦制理论的见解,探讨这些改革如何在不同治理层面的其他同时发生的制度变革的背景下启用(禁用)HGE。我们组装了一个新颖的多级纵向数据集,并采用交错双重差异估计来评估因果效应。我们的研究结果表明,虽然降低 NCA 的可执行性可以促进地区 HGE,但此类改革的有效性在很大程度上受到联邦和地方同时发生的制度变革的影响。在面临联邦监管大幅扩张的行业中,NCA 可执行性降低所带来的好处被抵消了。然而,地方亲市场的制度变革可以抵消联邦监管扩张的不利影响。这凸显了需要考虑不断变化的制度环境如何影响 HGE 的潜在推动者,并警告不要声称这些劳动力市场改革(或其他外生环境变化)普遍会产生积极的创业成果。