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HCFAIUN: A novel hyperelliptic curve and fuzzy extractor-based authentication for secure data transmission in IoT-based UAV networks
Vehicular Communications ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.vehcom.2024.100834
Jatin Sharma , Pawan Singh Mehra

IoT-based UAV networks comprise interconnected UAVs outfitted with sensors and microcontrollers to simplify data exchange in environments such as smart cities. In light of open-access communication landscapes, IoT-based UAV networks could pose security challenges, encompassing authentication vulnerabilities and the inadvertent disclosure of location and other confidential information to unauthorised parties. Henceforth, we have proposed a lightweight and secure authentication protocol: Hyperelliptic Curve and Fuzzy Extractor based Authentication in IoT-based UAV networks (HCFAIUN) leveraging Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptography(HCC), Fuzzy Extractor (FE), XOR operations and hash functions. HCC's maximum key size is 80 bits, differing from the 160-bit requirement of the elliptic curve, making it apt for UAVs with limited resources. The proposed scheme utilises biometrics traits of users to avoid exposing data from stealing smart devices using FE. This protocol facilitates the mutual authentication of users and UAVs, allowing them to exchange a session key for secure communication. The Hyperelliptic Curve (HC) scalar multiplication protects the user's private key from attackers, even in public channels. The obfuscation identity of the user and UAVs generated through the hash function and timestamp makes the external user and UAV anonymous. The efficacy of this proposed framework is examined using the Scyther verification tool and Random oracle model-based formal analysis, and informal analysis is also discussed, which validates its robustness against well-known potential physical and logical attacks. The performance analysis shows that the HCFAIUN scheme has lower computation, communication, and storage costs, i.e., 3.832 ms and 1456 bits and 1128 bits, respectively, compared to existing schemes.



基于物联网的无人机网络由配备传感器和微控制器的互连无人机组成,可简化智能城市等环境中的数据交换。鉴于开放访问通信环境,基于物联网的无人机网络可能会带来安全挑战,包括身份验证漏洞以及无意中向未经授权的各方泄露位置和其他机密信息。因此,我们提出了一种轻量级且安全的身份验证协议:基于超椭圆​​曲线和模糊提取器的物联网无人机网络身份验证(HCFAIUN),利用超椭圆曲线密码术(HCC)、模糊提取器(FE)、异或运算和哈希函数。 HCC的最大密钥大小为80位,与椭圆曲线的160位要求不同,适合资源有限的无人机。所提出的方案利用用户的生物特征来避免使用 FE 窃取智能设备而暴露数据。该协议有助于用户和无人机的相互身份验证,使它们能够交换会话密钥以进行安全通信。超椭圆曲线 (HC) 标量乘法可以保护用户的私钥免受攻击者的侵害,即使是在公共渠道中也是如此。通过哈希函数和时间戳生成的用户和无人机的混淆身份,使外部用户和无人机匿名。使用 Scyther 验证工具和基于随机预言模型的形式分析来检查该框架的有效性,还讨论了非正式分析,验证了其针对众所周知的潜在物理和逻辑攻击的鲁棒性。性能分析表明HCFAIUN方案具有较低的计算、通信和存储成本,为3。与现有方案相比,分别为 832 ms、1456 位和 1128 位。