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Calibration of the online dose monitoring system at the free-electron laser SwissFEL
Radiation Physics and Chemistry ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2024.112070
Eike Hohmann , Roman Galeev , Christine Harm , Sophie Harzmann , Lisa Pedrazzi , Marco Tisi , Nick Walter , Sabine Mayer

The latest large-scale research facility of the Paul Scherrer Institute, the x-ray free-electron laser SwissFEL, is installed in a 740 m long building. The facility accelerates electrons to a maximal energy of 5.8 GeV with repetition rates up to 100 Hz. The building is integrated in a regional recreation area with shielding of the accelerator vault dimensioned to tolerate temporary beam losses. An online dose monitoring system capable of shutting down SwissFEL ensures compliance with legal requirements. The studies present an overview of the evaluation of calibration factors for this system and results of dedicated benchmark measurements, carried out to verify underlying assumptions and simplifications.


自由电子激光器 SwissFEL 在线剂量监测系统的校准

Paul Scherrer 研究所最新的大型研究设施——X 射线自由电子激光器 SwissFEL,安装在一座 740 m 长的建筑内。该设施将电子加速至最大能量 5.8 GeV,重复频率高达 100 Hz。该建筑与区域休闲区融为一体,加速器拱顶的屏蔽尺寸可承受暂时的光束损失。能够关闭 SwissFEL 的在线剂量监测系统确保符合法律要求。这些研究概述了该系统的校准因子评估以及专用基准测量的结果,旨在验证基本假设和简化。