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Investigation of gamma-ray and neutron protection competence of oxyfluoride aluminosilicate glasses reinforced with TbF3: Comparative study
Radiation Physics and Chemistry ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2024.112105
Hanan Al-Ghamdi , Norah A.M. Alsaif , Nada Alfryyan , Y.S. Rammah , Islam M. Nabil

The glass systems with compositions of 55SiO2–20Al2O3–15BaF2–10NaF-xTbF3: X = 0.0 (Tb-0.0), 2.0 (Tb-2.0), 4.0 (Tb-4.0), 6.0 (Tb-6.0), and 8.0 (Tb-8.0) mol%. The glass structures that were investigated provide protection against gamma-ray and neutron. The density of the glasses increased linearly from 2.90 to 3.47 g cm−3 when TbF3 added to the mixture. For the purpose of conducting a theoretical analysis of photon energies up to 15 MeV, the Monte Carlo algorithm and Phy-X/PSD were brought into play. The parameters of nuclear radiation shielding for the glasses that were investigated were evaluated in this study. The difference between the Monte Carlo simulations and the Phy-X/PSD data was 2.541%. In terms of linear attenuation coefficient (μ), effective atomic number (Zef), half-value layer (HVl), tenth value layer (TVl), and mean free path (MFp) values, the Tb-8.0 glass specimen demonstrates optimal performance. Additionally, the Tb-8.0 possesses the highest values for the fast removal cross-section. The findings presented here provide further evidence that terbium(III) fluoride-doped materials are effective in providing protection against gamma rays. These materials have the potential to be utilized in a wide range of radiation protection applications, particularly in the medical and nuclear fields.


TbF3 增强氟铝硅酸盐玻璃的伽马射线和中子防护能力研究:比较研究

组成为 55SiO2–20Al2O3–15BaF2–10NaF-xTbF3 的玻璃体系:X = 0.0 (Tb-0.0)、2.0 (Tb-2.0)、4.0 (Tb-4.0)、6.0 (Tb-6.0) 和 8.0 (Tb) -8.0) 摩尔%。研究的玻璃结构可提供针对伽马射线和中子的防护。当 TbF3 添加到混合物中时,玻璃的密度从 2.90 g cm−3 线性增加到 3.47 g cm−3。为了对高达 15 MeV 的光子能量进行理论分析,采用了蒙特卡罗算法和 Phy-X/PSD。本研究评估了所研究玻璃的核辐射屏蔽参数。蒙特卡洛模拟与 Phy-X/PSD 数据之间的差异为 2.541%。在线性衰减系数(μ)、有效原子序数(Zef)、半值层(HVl)、第十值层(TVl)和平均自由程(MFp)值方面,Tb-8.0玻璃样品表现出最佳性能。此外,Tb-8.0 具有最高的快速去除截面值。这里提出的研究结果提供了进一步的证据,证明氟化铽(III)掺杂材料可以有效地提供伽马射线防护。这些材料具有广泛的辐射防护应用潜力,特别是在医疗和核领域。