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Aligning incentives for implementing reversible bonding as a circular economy innovation
Business Strategy and the Environment ( IF 12.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-08 , DOI: 10.1002/bse.3904
Wim Van Opstal 1, 2 , Anse Smeets 1 , Emma Pals 1

A transition towards a circular economy (CE) often involves the development and adoption of novel technologies and business models. Its implementation, however, requires a close collaboration within and between organizations along supply chains. In this paper, we investigate incentive alignment for the implementation of reversible bonding, a technique that enables separating materials on demand. We use data from semi‐structured interviews with supply chain actors in manufacturing and construction and identify its potential for process optimization and improved repair, refurbishment, and recycling opportunities. Quality, safety, and performance are identified as the most important boundary conditions while split incentive problems tend to impede the implementation of reversible bonding. Switch costs, a lacking market demand, and insufficient mandatory regulations cause split incentive problems, which may be aggravated or mitigated by several market imperfections. Recommendations include investing in collaborative capabilities within organizations and an ex‐ante identification of split incentive problems when constructing circular supply chain governance mechanisms.



向循环经济 (CE) 的转型通常涉及新技术和商业模式的开发和采用。然而,其实施需要供应链各组织内部和组织之间的密切合作。在本文中,我们研究了实施可逆键合的激励措施,这是一种能够按需分离材料的技术。我们使用来自制造和建筑领域供应链参与者的半结构化访谈数据,并确定其在流程优化和改进维修、翻新和回收机会方面的潜力。质量、安全和性能被认为是最重要的边界条件,而分裂激励问题往往会阻碍可逆结合的实施。转换成本、缺乏市场需求和不充分的强制性监管会导致激励分化问题,而市场的不完善可能会加剧或减轻这种问题。建议包括投资组织内部的协作能力,以及在构建循环供应链治理机制时事前识别分裂激励问题。