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The synergistic effect of green innovation and governance in carbon neutrality: Insights from Japanese companies
Business Strategy and the Environment ( IF 12.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-08 , DOI: 10.1002/bse.3922
Krishnamurthy Baskar Keerthana, Shih‐Wei Wu, Thangavelu Kokulnathan, Mu‐En Wu

Japan is firmly committed to transitioning to a low‐carbon economy to address climate change. This research focuses on the role of innovation and governance in achieving carbon neutrality among Japanese companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange from 2017 to 2023, particularly in all carbon dioxide‐contributing sectors. Through multivariate statistics, regression modeling, and quantitative literature analysis, we provide robust evidence of the relationship among innovation, governance, and carbon neutrality. The findings highlight the importance of fostering a sustainability‐oriented culture to drive sustainable innovation and achieve carbon neutrality. We compared the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) and governance to expand our scope. Its results underscore the significance of strong corporate governance in facilitating sustainable initiatives. A robustness test is included to finalize that the samples have avoided endogeneity. These findings demonstrate a positive outlook for Japan's future emissions reduction.



日本坚定致力于向低碳经济转型以应对气候变化。本研究重点关注 2017 年至 2023 年在东京证券交易所上市的日本公司,特别是所有二氧化碳排放行业,创新和治理在实现碳中和方面的作用。通过多元统计、回归模型和定量文献分析,我们提供了创新、治理和碳中和之间关系的有力证据。研究结果强调了培育可持续发展文化对于推动可持续创新和实现碳中和的重要性。我们比较了环境、社会和治理 (ESG) 和治理,以扩大我们的范围。其结果强调了强有力的公司治理对于促进可持续举措的重要性。其中包括稳健性测试,以最终确定样本已避免内生性。这些发现表明日本未来减排的积极前景。