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Rethinking dynamic capabilities in light of sustainability: A bibliometric analysis
Business Strategy and the Environment ( IF 12.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-08 , DOI: 10.1002/bse.3901
Cecilia Correggi 1 , Paolo Di Toma 2 , Stefano Ghinoi 2, 3, 4, 5

The literature on sustainable dynamic capabilities is becoming increasingly relevant in business research. In this study, we adopt a bibliometric approach to analyze the development of the literature, provide an overview of its theoretical and empirical evolution, and identify future research paths. To reach this goal, we collected 602 scientific documents from Scopus published between January 2002 and May 2023. The analysis is based on a two‐step process. First, we created and analyzed thematic maps for two different time periods (2002–2016 and 2017–2023) to assess the changes in the themes investigated. Second, we used bibliographic coupling to measure the influence and similarity between 147 scientific documents that were selected from leading scientific journals. Results show the adequacy of the dynamic capabilities framework for understanding the integration of sustainability within business strategies while opening up new perspectives (i.e., stakeholder engagement) and themes. Overall, we observe an increasing interest in reconceptualizing dynamic capabilities while considering their sustainability dimension, with reference to the identification of new micro‐foundations and the level of analysis (from an individual or organizational level to an inter‐organizational level). This study also proposes avenues for future research, including an exploration of new contexts, such as new industries, through a cross‐sectoral analysis approach or the underexplored context of family firms. We also highlight the need to advance our understanding of sustainable dynamic capabilities by focusing on the social dimension, which remains understudied.



关于可持续动态能力的文献在商业研究中变得越来越重要。在本研究中,我们采用文献计量的方法来分析文献的发展,概述其理论和实证演变,并确定未来的研究路径。为了实现这一目标,我们从 2002 年 1 月至 2023 年 5 月期间出版的 Scopus 中收集了 602 篇科学文献。分析基于两步过程。首先,我们创建并分析了两个不同时期(2002-2016 年和 2017-2023 年)的主题地图,以评估所调查主题的变化。其次,我们使用书目耦合来衡量从领先科学期刊中选出的 147 篇科学文献之间的影响力和相似性。结果表明,动态能力框架足以理解可持续发展与业务战略的整合,同时开辟新的视角(即利益相关者参与)和主题。总体而言,我们观察到人们对重新概念化动态能力越来越感兴趣,同时考虑其可持续性维度,参考新的微观基础的识别和分析水平(从个人或组织水平到组织间水平)。这项研究还提出了未来的研究途径,包括通过跨部门分析方法或未充分探索的家族企业背景来探索新的背景,例如新产业。我们还强调需要通过关注尚未得到充分研究的社会维度来增进我们对可持续动态能力的理解。