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Gender Gap in All Academic Fields Over Time
Social Science Computer Review ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-08 , DOI: 10.1177/08944393241270633
Dariusz Jemielniak 1, 2 , Maciej Wilamowski 3

Academic publishing gender gap has been surprisingly under covered across all disciplines and over a longer timeframe. Our study fills this gap, by analyzing how the proportions of women authors change in academic publications over 20 years in all fields from 31,219 journals from 2001 to 2021. Our results indicate that the ratio of female to male authors keeps increasing steadily across disciplines. The increases are field-neutral—in other words, they are not bigger, for example, in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, in spite of multiple initiatives focusing specifically on STEM. The increases are also decelerating in time, which could suggest that the equilibrium of female to male authors may be plateauing. Finally, although the within-field gender gap is decreasing, it actually widened between fields. Thus, our results have major consequences for science policy in the area of the gender gap.



令人惊讶的是,学术出版中的性别差距在所有学科和更长的时间内都被掩盖了。我们的研究通过分析从 2001 年到 2021 年 20 年来所有领域的 31,219 种期刊中女性作者在学术出版物中的比例如何变化,填补了这一空白。我们的结果表明,跨学科的女性与男性作者的比例持续稳定增长。这些增长与领域无关——换句话说,尽管有多项专门针对 STEM 的举措,但在科学、技术、工程和数学等领域的增长并不大。随着时间的推移,这种增长也在减速,这可能表明女性与男性作者的平衡可能已趋于稳定。最后,虽然领域内的性别差距正在缩小,但领域之间的性别差距实际上在扩大。因此,我们的结果对性别差距领域的科学政策产生了重大影响。