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Airbnb on TikTok: Brand Perception Through User Engagement and Sentiment Trends
Social Science Computer Review ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-08 , DOI: 10.1177/08944393241260242
Julia Marti-Ochoa 1 , Eva Martin-Fuentes 1 , Berta Ferrer-Rosell 1

This study delves into Airbnb’s brand presence on TikTok by analyzing textual content in posts, and human audio in videos. This approach aims to decipher the brand narrative and gauge user engagement. In the dynamic realm of social media marketing, TikTok has emerged as a key platform in shaping brand perception. This research specifically concentrates on Airbnb’s content, distinguishing between official narratives and user-generated content (UGC). Notably, themes of “Travel” dominate official posts, contrasting with “Real Estate” and “Business” in UGC. The methodology employed involves advanced data collection techniques, including web scraping for textual data and artificial intelligence for transcribing human audio to text. The findings reveal that UGC commands greater engagement and volume compared to Airbnb’s own brand content, underscoring the increasing significance of user involvement in brand storytelling. An analysis of the study results is conducted using linguistic natural processing (LNP) for the sentiment base, and the vector space model for emotion analysis. Sentiment analysis reveals a predominance of the emotion “happiness” and a significant presence of “surprise” in the posts, both of which are critical for audience engagement. Moreover, the study indicates a high approval rate for Airbnb-related content, reflecting a positive reception of the brand. Additionally, the research observes that influencers, particularly nano influencers, have higher engagement rates, indicating that their authenticity and relatability appeal especially to Generation Z audiences. This study not only sheds light on the intricate relationship between brand narrative, user engagement, and sentiment on TikTok but also offers valuable insights into effective brand image construction and propagation in the digital era, highlighting the importance of diverse emotions in enhancing audience engagement.


TikTok 上的 Airbnb:通过用户参与度和情绪趋势进行品牌认知

这项研究通过分析帖子中的文本内容和视频中的人类音频,深入探讨 Airbnb 在 TikTok 上的品牌形象。这种方法旨在解读品牌叙事并衡量用户参与度。在充满活力的社交媒体营销领域,TikTok 已成为塑造品牌认知度的关键平台。这项研究特别关注 Airbnb 的内容,区分官方叙述和用户生成内容 (UGC)。值得注意的是,“旅游”主题主导了官方帖子,与 UGC 中的“房地产”和“商业”形成鲜明对比。所采用的方法涉及先进的数据收集技术,包括文本数据的网络抓取和用于将人类音频转录为文本的人工智能。调查结果显示,与 Airbnb 自有品牌内容相比,UGC 拥有更高的参与度和数量,凸显了用户参与品牌故事讲述的重要性。使用语言自然处理(LNP)作为情感基础,使用向量空间模型进行情感分析,对研究结果进行分析。情绪分析显示,帖子中“快乐”情绪占主导地位,“惊喜”情绪显着存在,这两者对于受众参与度都至关重要。此外,研究表明,Airbnb 相关内容的支持率很高,反映出该品牌受到了积极的欢迎。此外,研究还发现,影响者,尤其是纳米影响者,具有更高的参与率,这表明他们的真实性和相关性尤其对 Z 世代受众有吸引力。 这项研究不仅揭示了 TikTok 上的品牌叙事、用户参与度和情绪之间错综复杂的关系,还为数字时代有效的品牌形象建设和传播提供了宝贵的见解,强调了多样化情感在提高受众参与度方面的重要性。