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Retinoblastoma survival and enucleation outcomes in 41 countries from the African continent
British Journal of Ophthalmology ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-17 , DOI: 10.1136/bjo-2023-324746
Thamanna Nishath 1 , Andrew W Stacey 2 , David Steinberg 3 , Allen Foster 4 , Richard Bowman 4, 5 , Vera Essuman 6 , Ido Didi Fabian 4, 7 ,

Background Retinoblastoma is the most common intraocular malignancy in childhood. Despite one-third of cases occurring in Africa, little is known of the outcomes on the continent. This study aims to explore survival and globe salvage outcomes and identify their risk factors across a large cohort of patients from the African continent. Methods A 3-year prospective, observational study was conducted. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis was used to investigate the risk of globe loss and death from retinoblastoma in Africa. Cox regression was used to identify risk factors associated with these outcomes. Results A total of 958 patients from 41 African countries and 66 participating centres were enrolled in the study. The survival rate was 78.2% at 1 year and 66.2% at 3 years after diagnosis. Cox regression showed a higher risk of death with the most advanced clinical stage (cT4, HR=6.29 vs cT2, p<0.001). The risk of losing at least one eye after diagnosis was 50% within 4 months and 72.6% within 3 years. Higher risk of enucleation was associated with a higher clinical stage compared with cT1 (cT3, HR=4.11, p=0.001; cT4, HR=3.77, p=0.005). Conclusion Nearly one in every four children diagnosed with retinoblastoma in African participating centres succumb to retinoblastoma within 1 year. There is also high morbidity associated with the diagnosis as a large majority of patients require eye removal surgery. The outcome of disease in children with retinoblastoma in Africa is poor compared with other continents and requires prompt intervention by increasing efforts to improve survival and eye salvage outcomes. All data relevant to the study are included in the article or uploaded as online supplemental information.


非洲大陆 41 个国家的视网膜母细胞瘤存活率和摘除结果

背景 视网膜母细胞瘤是儿童期最常见的眼内恶性肿瘤。尽管三分之一的病例发生在非洲,但人们对非洲大陆的结果知之甚少。本研究旨在探讨来自非洲大陆的大量患者的生存和全球抢救结果,并确定其危险因素。方法 进行了为期 3 年的前瞻性观察研究。 Kaplan-Meier 生存分析用于调查非洲视网膜母细胞瘤造成的眼球丧失和死亡的风险。 Cox 回归用于识别与这些结果相关的风险因素。结果共有来自41个非洲国家和66个参与中心的958名患者参与了该研究。诊断后1年生存率为78.2%,3年生存率为66.2%。 Cox回归显示,最晚期临床分期的死亡风险较高(cT4,HR=6.29 vs cT2,p<0.001)。诊断后4个月内失去至少一只眼睛的风险为50%,3年内失去至少一只眼睛的风险为72.6%。与 cT1 相比,较高的摘除风险与较高的临床分期相关(cT3,HR=4.11,p=0.001;cT4,HR=3.77,p=0.005)。结论 在非洲参与中心,近四分之一被诊断患有视网膜母细胞瘤的儿童在一年内死于视网膜母细胞瘤。由于大多数患者需要进行眼球摘除手术,因此诊断相关的发病率也很高。与其他大陆相比,非洲视网膜母细胞瘤儿童的疾病结果较差,需要通过加大努力来立即干预,以提高生存率和挽救眼睛的结果。与研究相关的所有数据都包含在文章中或作为在线补充信息上传。