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Lower indoor spatial frequency increases the risk of myopia in children
British Journal of Ophthalmology ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-08 , DOI: 10.1136/bjo-2024-325888
Dan-Lin Li 1 , Xing-Xuan Dong 1 , Jin-Liu-Xing Yang 1, 2 , Carla Lanca 3 , Andrzej Grzybowski 4 , Chen-Wei Pan 5

Background/aims Animal models have shown that the absence of high-frequency visual information can precipitate the onset of myopia, but this relationship remains unclear in humans. This study aims to explore the association between the spatial frequency content of the visual environment and myopia in children. Methods Images from the rooms of children and their frequently visited outdoor areas were taken by their parents and collected by the researcher through questionnaires. The spatial frequency was quantified using Matlab. Cycloplegic refraction was used to measure the spherical equivalent (SE), and IOL Master was used to measure axial length (AL) and corneal radius (CR). AL/CR ratio was calculated. Results The study included 566 children with an average age of (8.04±1.47) years, of which 270 were girls (47.7%), and the average SE was (0.70±1.21) D. Image analysis revealed that indoor spatial frequency slope was lower than that of the outdoor environment (−1.43±0.18 vs −1.11±0.23, p<0.001). There were 79 myopic individuals (14.0%). Images from indoor content of myopic children had a lower spatial frequency slope than non-myopic children (−1.47±0.16 vs 1.43±0.18, p=0.03) while there was no significant difference in outdoor spatial frequency slope. Regression analysis indicated that the indoor spatial frequency slope was positively associated with SE value (β=0.60, p=0.02) and inversely related to myopia (OR=0.24, p<0.05). Conclusion The spatial frequency of the outdoor environment is significantly higher than that of the indoor environment. Indoor spatial frequency is related to children’s refractive status, with lower indoor spatial frequency being associated with a higher degree of myopia. Data are available on reasonable request. The datasets generated and/or analysed during the current study are not publicly available but are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.



背景/目的动物模型表明,缺乏高频视觉信息会加速近视的发生,但这种关系在人类中仍不清楚。本研究旨在探讨视觉环境的空间频率内容与儿童近视之间的关联。方法由家长拍摄儿童房间及其经常去的户外区域的图像,并由研究人员通过问卷调查收集。使用Matlab 量化空间频率。使用散瞳验光测量等效球镜(SE),使用IOL Master测量眼轴长度(AL)和角膜半径(CR)。计算 AL/CR 比率。结果 研究纳入儿童566名,平均年龄(8.04±1.47)岁,其中女孩270名(47.7%),平均SE为(0.70±1.21)D。图像分析显示室内空间频率斜率较低与室外环境相比(-1.43±0.18 vs -1.11±0.23,p<0.001)。近视人群79人(14.0%)。近视儿童室内内容的图像具有比非近视儿童更低的空间频率斜率(−1.47±0.16 vs 1.43±0.18,p=0.03),而室外空间频率斜率没有显着差异。回归分析表明,室内空间频率斜率与SE值呈正相关(β=0.60,p=0.02),与近视呈负相关(OR=0.24,p<0.05)。结论室外环境的空间频率明显高于室内环境。室内空间频率与儿童的屈光状态有关,室内空间频率越低,近视程度越高。可根据合理要求提供数据。 当前研究期间生成和/或分析的数据集不公开,但可根据合理要求从相应作者处获取。