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Do Surgeons Experience Moral Dissonance When There Is Misalignment Between Evidence and Action? A Survey and Scenario-based Study.
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-07 , DOI: 10.1097/corr.0000000000003220
Bandele Okelana 1 , Amin Razi , David Ring , Sina Ramtin ,

Moral dissonance is the psychological discomfort associated with a mismatch between our moral values and potentially immoral actions. For instance, to limit moral dissonance, surgeons must develop a rationale that the potential for benefit from performing surgery is meaningfully greater than the inherent harm of surgery. Moral dissonance can also occur when a patient or one's surgeon peers encourage surgery for a given problem, even when the evidence suggests limited or no benefit over other options. Clinicians may not realize the degree to which moral dissonance can be a source of diminished joy in practice. Uncovering potential sources of moral dissonance can help inform efforts to help clinicians enjoy their work.


