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Engineered deletions of HIV replicate conditionally to reduce disease in nonhuman primates
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-08 , DOI: 10.1126/science.adn5866
Fathima N Nagoor Pitchai 1, 2 , Elizabeth J Tanner 1, 2 , Neha Khetan 1, 2 , Gustavo Vasen 1, 2 , Clara Levrel 1, 2 , Arjun J Kumar 1, 2, 3 , Shilpi Pandey 4 , Tracy Ordonez 4 , Philip Barnette 4 , David Spencer 4, 5 , Seung-Yong Jung 1 , Joshua Glazier 1 , Cassandra Thompson 1, 6 , Alicia Harvey-Vera , Hye-In Son 7, 8, 9 , Hye-In Son 1 , Steffanie A Strathdee 7 , Leo Holguin 7 , Ryan Urak 10 , John Burnett 10, 11 , William Burgess 9 , Kathleen Busman-Sahay 9 , Jacob D Estes 9, 12, 13 , Ann Hessell 4 , Christine M Fennessey 14 , Brandon F Keele 14 , Nancy L Haigwood 4 , Leor S Weinberger 1, 2, 15, 16

Antiviral therapies with reduced frequencies of administration and high barriers to resistance remain a major goal. For HIV, theories have proposed that viral-deletion variants, which conditionally replicate with a basic reproductive ratio [R 0 ] > 1 (termed “therapeutic interfering particles” or “TIPs”), could parasitize wild-type virus to constitute single-administration, escape-resistant antiviral therapies. We report the engineering of a TIP that, in rhesus macaques, reduces viremia of a highly pathogenic model of HIV by >3log 10 following a single intravenous injection. Animal lifespan was significantly extended, TIPs conditionally replicated and were continually detected for >6 months, and sequencing data showed no evidence of viral escape. A single TIP injection also suppressed virus replication in humanized mice and cells from persons living with HIV. These data provide proof of concept for a potential new class of single-administration antiviral therapies.



减少给药频率和提高耐药性的抗病毒疗法仍然是一个主要目标。对于HIV,理论提出,病毒缺失变体以基本繁殖率[R 0 ] > 1(称为“治疗干扰颗粒”或“TIP”)有条件地复制,可以寄生野生型病毒以构成单一病毒。管理,逃避抗病毒治疗。我们报告了 TIP 的工程设计,在恒河猴中,单次静脉注射后,可将高致病性 HIV 模型的病毒血症减少 >3log 10。动物寿命显着延长,TIP 有条件复制并持续检测到 >6 个月,测序数据显示没有病毒逃逸的证据。单次 TIP 注射也抑制了人源化小鼠和 HIV 感染者细胞中的病毒复制。这些数据为潜在的新型单次给药抗病毒疗法提供了概念证明。