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Growth of metal nanowire forests controlled through stress fields induced by grain gradients
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-08 , DOI: 10.1126/science.adn9181
Yasuhiro Kimura 1 , Yi Cui 1 , Takamasa Suzuki 1 , Yuki Tanaka 1 , Takaaki Tanaka 1 , Yuhki Toku 1 , Yang Ju 1, 2

Pure metal nanowires (NWs) are one-dimensional nanomaterials with distinctive properties for various applications. Nevertheless, mass-growth forests have not been developed because of vapor pressure limitations, chemical reduction problems, or both. We succeeded in the mass growth of aluminum (Al) NW forests at desired locations by controlling atomic diffusion within the solid film. Whereas prior attention has focused only on how to increase the driving force, we show that focused ion beam irradiation created localized regions of high stress, which provided pathways for atomic diffusion as well as nuclei and driving forces for vertical NW growth. The underlying growth process could in principle be extended to other metals.



纯金属纳米线(NW)是一维纳米材料,具有适合各种应用的独特性能。然而,由于蒸气压限制、化学物质减少问题或两者兼而有之,大规模生长的森林尚未开发出来。通过控制固体薄膜内的原子扩散,我们成功地在所需位置大规模生长了铝 (Al) NW 森林。尽管之前的注意力仅集中在如何增加驱动力上,但我们表明,聚焦离子束照射产生了局部高应力区域,这为原子扩散以及原子核和垂直纳米线生长的驱动力提供了路径。原则上,基本的生长过程可以扩展到其他金属。