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Revisiting the concordance ΛCDM model using Gamma-Ray Bursts together with supernovae Ia and Planck data
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-09 , DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2024/08/015
Shahnawaz A. Adil , Maria G. Dainotti , Anjan A. Sen

The Hubble constant, H0, tension is the tension among the local probes, Supernovae Ia, and the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation. This tension has persisted for decades and continues to puzzle the community. Here, we add intermediate redshift probes, such as Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRB) and Quasars (QS0s), to check if and to what extent these higher redshift probes can reduce this tension. We use the three-dimensional fundamental plane relation among the prompt peak luminosity, the luminosity at the end of the plateau emission, and its rest frame duration. We find similar trend in GRB intrinsic parameters as previously seen in Pantheon-Plus intrinsic parameters. We find an apparent 3.14σ tension for the GRB intrinsic parameter b. Indeed, this tension disappears and the parameters are actually compatible within 2.26σ. Another interesting point is that the 3D relation plays an important role in conjunction with Supernovae data with Pantheon Plus and that this apparent discrepancy shows the importance of the correction for selection biases and redshift evolution. The incorporation of redshift evolution correction results in a reduction of the GRB tension to 2.26σ when adjusting correction parameters. We envision that with more data this indication of tension will possibly disappear when the evolutionary parameters of GRBs are computed with increased precision.


使用伽马射线爆发以及超新星 Ia 和普朗克数据重新审视一致性 ΛCDM 模型

哈勃常数 H 0张力是本地探测器、超新星 Ia 和宇宙微波背景辐射之间的张力。这种紧张局势已经持续了几十年,并继续困扰着社会。在这里,我们添加了中间红移探针,例如伽马射线爆发(GRB)和类星体(QS0),以检查这些较高红移探针是否可以以及在多大程度上可以减少这种张力。我们使用即时峰值光度、平台发射结束时的光度及其静止帧持续时间之间的三维基本平面关系。我们发现 GRB 内在参数的趋势与之前在 Pantheon-Plus 内在参数中看到的趋势相似。我们发现明显的 3.14 σ GRB 内在参数的张力乙。事实上,这种张力消失了,参数实际上在 2.26 内兼容σ 。另一个有趣的点是,3D 关系与 Pantheon Plus 的超新星数据结合起来发挥着重要作用,这种明显的差异表明了选择偏差和红移演化校正的重要性。红移演化校正的结合导致GRB张力降低至2.26 σ调整校正参数时。我们预计,随着数据的增多,当伽玛暴演化参数的计算精度更高时,这种紧张的迹象可能会消失。