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Emergent phases in graphene flat bands
Reports on Progress in Physics ( IF 19.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-09 , DOI: 10.1088/1361-6633/ad67ed
Saisab Bhowmik 1 , Arindam Ghosh 2, 3 , U Chandni 1

Electronic correlations in two-dimensional materials play a crucial role in stabilising emergent phases of matter. The realisation of correlation-driven phenomena in graphene has remained a longstanding goal, primarily due to the absence of strong electron-electron interactions within its low-energy bands. In this context, magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene has recently emerged as a novel platform featuring correlated phases favoured by the low-energy flat bands of the underlying moiré superlattice. Notably, the observation of correlated insulators and superconductivity, and the interplay between these phases have garnered significant attention. A wealth of correlated phases with unprecedented tunability was discovered subsequently, including orbital ferromagnetism, Chern insulators, strange metallicity, density waves, and nematicity. However, a comprehensive understanding of these closely competing phases remains elusive. The ability to controllably twist and stack multiple graphene layers has enabled the creation of a whole new family of moiré superlattices with myriad properties. Here, we review the progress and development achieved so far, encompassing the rich phase diagrams offered by these graphene-based moiré systems. Additionally, we discuss multiple phases recently observed in non-moiré multilayer graphene systems. Finally, we outline future opportunities and challenges for the exploration of hidden phases in this new generation of moiré materials.


