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Accessing the speed of sound in relativistic ultracentral nucleus-nucleus collisions using the mean transverse momentum
Physics Letters B ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2024.138937
Fernando G. Gardim , Andre V. Giannini , Jean-Yves Ollitrault

It has been argued that the speed of sound of the strong interaction at high temperature can be measured using the variation of the mean transverse momentum with the particle multiplicity in ultracentral heavy-ion collisions. We test this correspondence by running hydrodynamic simulations at zero impact parameter with several equations of state, at several colliding energies from 0.2 TeV to 15 TeV per nucleon pair. The correspondence is found to be precise and robust for a smooth, boost-invariant fluid and an ideal detector. We discuss the differences between this ideal setup and an actual experiment. We conclude that the extraction of the speed of sound from data is reliable, and that the main uncertainty comes from our poor knowledge of the distribution of density fluctuations at the early stages of the collision.



有人认为,可以利用超中心重离子碰撞中平均横向动量随粒子多重性的变化来测量高温下强相互作用的声速。我们通过使用几个状态方程在零碰撞参数下运行流体动力学模拟来测试这种对应关系,每个核子对的碰撞能量为 0.2 TeV 到 15 TeV。对于平滑、升压不变的流体和理想的探测器而言,该对应关系被发现是精确且稳健的。我们讨论这种理想设置与实际实验之间的差异。我们的结论是,从数据中提取声速是可靠的,主要的不确定性来自于我们对碰撞早期阶段密度波动分布的了解不足。