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Connecting tribimaximal and bitrimaximal mixings
Physics Letters B ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2024.138932
Carlos Alvarado , Janelly Bautista , Alexander J. Stuart

In this paper, we study the connection between the tribimaximal and bitrimaximal mixing patterns. In doing so, we are forced to work in a non-diagonal charged lepton basis. This leads to several relations that must hold between the lepton mixing angles. After a short discussion, we analyze the underlying flavor symmetry responsible for this prediction. Finally, we add CP violation to bitrimaximal mixing and study its effect on the flavor symmetry group.



在本文中,我们研究了三极大值和双极大值混合模式之间的联系。这样做时,我们被迫在非对角带电轻子基础上工作。这导致轻子混合角之间必须保持多种关系。经过简短的讨论后,我们分析了导致这一预测的潜在风味对称性。最后,我们将 CP 破坏添加到双最大混合中,并研究其对风味对称群的影响。