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The muli-component modified KP hierarchy from modified BKP hierarchy
Physics Letters B ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-31 , DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2024.138921
Huizhan Chen , Song Li

In this paper, we have considered a special bosonization on muli-component modified BKP hierarchy. The generators of Clifford algebra ClB are rearranged into p charged free fermions and q twisted neutral free fermions to obtain the fermionic form of the multi-component modified BKP hierarchy. After using the (p+q)-component boson-fermion correspondence on the multi-component modified BKP hierarchy, it is found that the system corresponding to q=1 is the p-component modified KP hierarchy, which is expressed as bilinear identity in terms of 2p×2p-matrix valued wave function. Based on this, we use the pseudo differential operators to characterize the matrix Sato and Lax equations of the p-component modified KP hierarchy.


来自修改后的 BKP 层次结构的多组件修改后的 KP 层次结构

在本文中,我们考虑了多组件修改 BKP 层次结构的特殊玻色化。 Clifford 代数 ClB 的生成元被重新排列为 p 个带电自由费米子和 q 个扭曲中性自由费米子,以获得多分量修正 BKP 层次结构的费米子形式。在多分量修正BKP层次上使用(p+q)分量玻色子-费米子对应关系后,发现q=1对应的系统是p分量修正KP层次,其表示为双线性恒等式2p×2p 矩阵值波函数项。在此基础上,我们使用伪微分算子来表征p分量修正KP层次的矩阵Sato和Lax方程。