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TIPE2 gene transfer ameliorates aging-associated osteoarthritis in a progeria mouse model by reducing inflammation and cellular senescence
Molecular Therapy ( IF 12.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ymthe.2024.07.027
Ping Guo 1 , Xueqin Gao 1 , Anna-Laura Nelson 1 , Matthieu Huard 1 , Aiping Lu 1 , William Sealy Hambright 1 , Johnny Huard 1

Osteoarthritis (OA) pain is often associated with the expression of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), suggesting that TNF-α is one of the main contributing factors that cause inflammation, pain, and OA pathology. Thus, inhibition of TNF-α could potentially improve OA symptoms and slow disease progression. Anti-TNF-α treatments with antibodies, however, require multiple treatments and cannot entirely block TNF-α. TNF-α-induced protein 8-like 2 (TIPE2) was found to regulate the immune system’s homeostasis and inflammation through different mechanisms from anti-TNF-α therapies. With a single treatment of adeno-associated virus (AAV)-TIPE2 gene delivery in the accelerated aging () mouse model, we found differences in Safranin O staining intensity within the articular cartilage (AC) region of the knee between TIPE2-treated mice and control mice. The glycosaminoglycan content (orange-red) was degraded in the cartilage while shown to be restored in the TIPE2-treated cartilage. We also observed that chondrocytes in mice exhibited a variety of senescent-associated phenotypes. Treatment with TIPE2 decreased TNF-α-positive cells, β-galactosidase (β-gal) activity, and p16 expression seen in mice. Our study demonstrated that AAV-TIPE2 gene delivery effectively blocked TNF-α-induced inflammation and senescence, resulting in the prevention or delay of knee OA in our accelerated aging mouse model.



骨关节炎 (OA) 疼痛通常与肿瘤坏死因子 α (TNF-α) 的表达相关,这表明 TNF-α 是引起炎症、疼痛和 OA 病理的主要影响因素之一。因此,抑制 TNF-α 可能会改善 OA 症状并减缓疾病进展。然而,用抗体进行抗 TNF-α 治疗需要多次治疗,并且不能完全阻断 TNF-α。研究发现 TNF-α 诱导蛋白 8-like 2 (TIPE2) 可通过与抗 TNF-α 疗法不同的机制来调节免疫系统的稳态和炎症。通过在加速衰老小鼠模型中进行腺相关病毒 (AAV)-TIPE2 基因递送的单次治疗,我们发现经过 TIPE2 治疗的小鼠和经过 TIPE2 治疗的小鼠膝关节软骨 (AC) 区域内番红 O 染色强度存在差异。控制老鼠。糖胺聚糖含量(橙红色)在软骨中被降解,而在 TIPE2 处理的软骨中则被恢复。我们还观察到小鼠的软骨细胞表现出多种与衰老相关的表型。 TIPE2 治疗降低了小鼠中的 TNF-α 阳性细胞、β-半乳糖苷酶 (β-gal) 活性和 p16 表达。我们的研究表明,AAV-TIPE2 基因传递可有效阻止 TNF-α 诱导的炎症和衰老,从而在我们的加速衰老小鼠模型中预防或延迟膝关节 OA。