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Efficient extraction of Li and Rb from zinnwaldite via thermal activation and acid leaching
Minerals Engineering ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.mineng.2024.108898
Zhong Shuiping , Liang Donghui , Weng Wei , Chi Xiaopeng , Zhang Wengze , Tan Wen

Lithium and its associated rubidium are regarded as the strategic metal resource, which have a wide use in many commercial products. Nowadays, the continuing growth in demand for Li resources, propelling the object of industrial exploitation will focus on low-grade, complex minerals composition and unwieldy ores. Zinnwaldite has received increasing attention as a potential lithium-containing resource in recent years. However, there are a lack of effective extraction processes for zinnwaldite. Hence, this paper proposes an effective method to extract metal cleanly and efficiently from zinnwaldite by using CaO and BO as thermal activation additives and HSO as the leaching agent. The results showed that the destruction of Fe-O and Si-O-Si bonds led to increased extraction efficiency. The breathing vibrations of oxygen atoms symmetric in 4- and 3-membered rings and Si-O symmetric stretch could influence the Li separation from silica skeleton. Ultimately, the 91.32 % Li, 93.09 % Rb, 81.14 % Fe, 95.00 % Al and 71.12 % K were recovered under the optimal conditions. Meanwhile, about 10 % F escaped into the air during thermal activation and the concentration of F in the leaching solution was lower than 2 mg/L. The use of BO provides a valuable reference for the efficient and clean treatment of lepidolite using the salt roasting method.



锂及其伴生铷被视为战略金属资源,在许多商业产品中有着广泛的用途。当前,锂资源需求持续增长,推动工业开采对象向低品位、矿物成分复杂、难加工矿石倾斜。近年来,紫锌矿作为一种潜在的含锂资源受到越来越多的关注。然而,目前缺乏有效的紫锌矿提取工艺。因此,本文提出了一种利用CaO和BO作为热活化添加剂、HSO作为浸出剂从红锌矿中清洁、高效提取金属的有效方法。结果表明,Fe-O 和 Si-O-Si 键的破坏导致萃取效率提高。四元环和三元环中对称氧原子的呼吸振动以及Si-O对称拉伸可能影响Li与二氧化硅骨架的分离。最终,在最佳条件下回收了91.32%Li、93.09%Rb、81.14%Fe、95.00%Al和71.12%K。同时,约10%的F在热活化过程中逃逸到空气中,浸出液中F的浓度低于2 mg/L。 BO的使用为盐焙烧法高效清洁处理锂云母提供了有价值的参考。