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Navigating the rare earth elements landscape: Challenges, innovations, and sustainability
Minerals Engineering ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.mineng.2024.108889
Hongli Diao , Hang Yang , Tan Tan , Gui Ren , Minhua You , Longyue Wu , Mingxiang Yang , Yabin Bai , Shibin Xia , Shaoxian Song , Mildred Quintana , Lei Liu , Qiang Xue

This review provides a comprehensive analysis of the rare earth elements (REEs) sector, encompassing their classification, properties, and global distribution, as well as their indispensable role in various high-tech, renewable energy, and defense applications. The significant environmental impact of REE mining and processing, characterized by ecological degradation and health risks, is examined alongside the economic and geopolitical challenges arising from the concentrated supply chain and market volatility. The review emphasizes the ongoing efforts and research initiatives aimed at developing sustainable extraction methods, promoting recycling from electronic waste, and exploring alternative materials. Despite these efforts, the effectiveness and scalability of recycling technologies, as well as the feasibility of substitute materials, remain limited, highlighting the need for further research. The review also delves into the impact of international and national policies on the REE industry, underlining the critical role of regulatory frameworks in shaping sustainable practices. Conclusively, this review not only provides insights into the current state of the REE sector but also identifies key areas for future research and development, crucial for the sustainable management and utilization of these vital resources in various industries.



本综述对稀土元素 (REE) 行业进行了全面分析,包括其分类、特性和全球分布,以及它们在各种高科技、可再生能源和国防应用中不可或缺的作用。稀土元素开采和加工对环境的重大影响,以生态退化和健康风险为特征,与集中供应链和市场波动带来的经济和地缘政治挑战一起进行了审查。该审查强调了旨在开发可持续提取方法、促进电子废物回收和探索替代材料的持续努力和研究举措。尽管做出了这些努力,回收技术的有效性和可扩展性以及替代材料的可行性仍然有限,这凸显了进一步研究的必要性。该审查还深入研究了国际和国家政策对稀土行业的影响,强调了监管框架在塑造可持续实践方面的关键作用。最后,本次审查不仅提供了对稀土行业现状的见解,还确定了未来研究和开发的关键领域,这对于各个行业这些重要资源的可持续管理和利用至关重要。