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Investigation of the characteristics of stibnite (Sb2S3) flotation tailings and extraction of critical metals (Sb and As): Optimization and scale-up
Minerals Engineering ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.mineng.2024.108883
Seydou Dembele , Ata Akcil , Sandeep Panda

The supply of metals is increasingly challenged by high demand for raw materials and the depletion of high-grade ore deposits. In addition, the management of tailings from metal processing remains a persistent problem in the mining sector. This study aims to characterize stibnite tailings and develop a hydrometallurgical process for the recovery of antimony, arsenic, and iron and the removal of sulfide minerals from these tailings. The main minerals identified were stibnite, pyrite, and a small amount of arsenopyrite, together with associated gangue minerals such as quartz and muscovite. Optimum conditions were set as follows: 4.4 M HCl, 0.5 M NaNO, 25 % pulp density, 70 °C temperature, and 1-hour leach time. Under these conditions, flask leaching tests achieved remarkable leaching efficiencies of 99.88 % for Sb, 99.90 % for As, and 99.95 % for Fe. Bench scale experiments (1L reactor) showed high leaching efficiencies of 99.70 % for Sb, 97.50 % for As, and 97.00 % for Fe. Finally, leaching efficiencies of 98.30 % for Sb, 92.00 % for As, and 98.00 % for Fe were successfully achieved in semi-pilot tests (10 L reactor).


辉锑矿 (Sb2S3) 浮选尾矿的特性研究和关键金属(Sb 和 As)的提取:优化和放大

由于对原材料的高需求和高品位矿藏的枯竭,金属供应日益受到挑战。此外,金属加工尾矿的管理仍然是采矿业长期存在的问题。本研究旨在表征辉锑矿尾矿,开发一种湿法冶金工艺,用于回收锑、砷和铁,并从这些尾矿中去除硫化物矿物。鉴定出的主要矿物为辉锑矿、黄铁矿和少量毒砂,以及伴生石英、白云母等脉石矿物。最佳条件设置如下:4.4 M HCl、0.5 M NaNO、25% 矿浆密度、70 °C 温度和 1 小时浸出时间。在此条件下,烧瓶浸出试验取得了显着的浸出效率,其中锑、砷、铁的浸出率分别为99.88%、99.90%和99.95%。小型实验(1L 反应器)显示,Sb 的浸出效率高达 99.70%,As 的浸出效率高达 97.50%,Fe 的浸出效率高达 97.00%。最后,在半中试(10 L 反应器)中成功实现了 Sb 浸出效率为 98.30%、As 浸出效率为 92.00%、Fe 浸出效率为 98.00%。