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Intake of sugar sweetened beverages among children and adolescents in 185 countries between 1990 and 2018: population based study
The BMJ ( IF 93.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-07 , DOI: 10.1136/bmj-2024-079234
Laura Lara-Castor 1, 2 , Renata Micha 3, 4 , Frederick Cudhea 3 , Victoria Miller 3, 5, 6 , Peilin Shi 3 , Jianyi Zhang 7 , Julia R Sharib 3 , Josh Erndt-Marino 3 , Sean B Cash 8 , Simon Barquera 9 , Dariush Mozaffarian 3, 10, 11 ,

Objective To quantify global intakes of sugar sweetened beverages (SSBs) and trends over time among children and adolescents. Design Population based study. Setting Global Dietary Database. Population Children and adolescents aged 3-19 years in 185 countries between 1990 and 2018, jointly stratified at subnational level by age, sex, parental education, and rural or urban residence. Results In 2018, mean global SSB intake was 3.6 (standardized serving=248 g (8 oz)) servings/week (1.3 (95% uncertainly interval 1.0 to 1.9) in south Asia to 9.1 (8.3 to 10.1) in Latin America and the Caribbean). SSB intakes were higher in older versus younger children and adolescents, those resident in urban versus rural areas, and those of parents with higher versus lower education. Between 1990 and 2018, mean global SSB intakes increased by 0.68 servings/week (22.9%), with the largest increases in sub-Saharan Africa (2.17 servings/week; 106%). Of 185 countries included in the analysis, 56 (30.3%) had a mean SSB intake of ≥7 servings/week, representing 238 million children and adolescents, or 10.4% of the global population of young people. Conclusion This study found that intakes of SSBs among children and adolescents aged 3-19 years in 185 countries increased by 23% from 1990 to 2018, parallel to the rise in prevalence of obesity among this population globally. SSB intakes showed large heterogeneity among children and adolescents worldwide and by age, parental level of education, and urbanicity. This research should help to inform policies to reduce SSB intake among young people, particularly those with larger intakes across all education levels in urban and rural areas in Latin America and the Caribbean, and the growing problem of SSBs for public health in sub-Saharan Africa. The individual SSB intake estimate distribution data used in this as means and uncertainty (SE) for each strata in the analysis are available freely online at the Global Dietary Database (Download 2018 Final Estimates: ). Global Dietary Database data were utilized in agreement with the database guidelines. Absolute and relative differences by strata and by year presented in this analysis were calculated using the 4000 simulations corresponding to the stratum level intake data derived from the bayesian model. The 4000 simulations files can be made available to researchers upon request. Eligibility criteria for such requests include utilization for non-profit purposes only, for appropriate scientific use based on a robust research plan, and by investigators from an academic institution. If you are interested in requesting access to the data, please submit the following documents: (1) proposed research plan (please download and complete the proposed research plan form: ), (2) data-sharing agreement (please download this form and complete the highlighted fields, have someone who is authorized to enter your institution into a binding legal agreement with outside institutions sign the document. Note that this agreement does not apply when protected health information or personally identifiable information are shared), (3) email items (1) and (2) info.globaldietarydatabase@tufts.edu. Please use the subject line “GDD Code Access Request.” Once all documents have been received, the Global Dietary Database team will be in contact with you within 2-4 weeks about subsequent steps. Data will be shared as .csv or .xlsx files, using a compressed format when appropriate. Population weights for each strata and year were derived from the United Nations Population Division (), supplemented with data for education and urban or rural status from Barro and Lee (doi:[10.3386/w15902][1]) and the United Nations (). [1]: /lookup/doi/10.3386/w15902



目标 量化全球儿童和青少年含糖饮料 (SSB) 的摄入量以及随时间变化的趋势。设计基于人群的研究。设置全球膳食数据库。人口 1990 年至 2018 年间 185 个国家 3-19 岁的儿童和青少年,按年龄、性别、父母教育程度以及农村或城市居住地在国家以下各级联合分层。结果 2018 年,全球平均 SSB 摄入量为每周 3.6 份(标准化份量=248 克(8 盎司))(南亚为 1.3(95% 不确定区间 1.0 至 1.9),拉丁美洲为 9.1(8.3 至 10.1)份)加勒比海)。年龄较大的儿童和青少年的SSB摄入量高于年龄较小的儿童和青少年,居住在城市的儿童和青少年高于农村地区的居民,以及父母受教育程度较高的儿童和青少年的摄入量较高。 1990 年至 2018 年间,全球 SSB 平均摄入量增加了 0.68 份/周(22.9%),其中撒哈拉以南非洲地区增幅最大(2.17 份/周;106%)。在分析纳入的 185 个国家中,有 56 个国家(30.3%)的平均 SSB 摄入量≥7 份/周,代表 2.38 亿儿童和青少年,占全球年轻人口的 10.4%。结论 这项研究发现,从 1990 年到 2018 年,185 个国家 3-19 岁儿童和青少年的 SSB 摄入量增加了 23%,与全球该人群肥胖患病率的上升同步。全世界儿童和青少年的 SSB 摄入量在年龄、父母教育水平和城市化方面表现出很大的异质性。这项研究应有助于制定政策,减少年轻人中SSB的摄入量,特别是拉丁美洲和加勒比地区城市和农村地区所有教育水平的年轻人中SSB摄入量较大的年轻人,以及撒哈拉以南非洲日益严重的SSBs公共卫生问题。 在此分析中用作每个层的平均值和不确定性 (SE) 的个体 SSB 摄入量估计分布数据可在全球膳食数据库上免费在线获取(下载 2018 年最终估计:)。全球膳食数据库数据的使用符合数据库指南。本分析中提出的按阶层和年份的绝对和相对差异是使用与从贝叶斯模型导出的阶层水平摄入数据相对应的 4000 次模拟来计算的。 4000 个模拟文件可根据要求提供给研究人员。此类请求的资格标准包括仅用于非营利目的、基于健全的研究计划的适当科学用途以及由学术机构的研究人员使用。如果您有兴趣请求访问数据,请提交以下文件:(1)拟议研究计划(请下载并填写拟议研究计划表格:),(2)数据共享协议(请下载此表格并填写)突出显示的字段,请有权让您的机构与外部机构签订具有约束力的法律协议的人员签署该文件(请注意,当共享受保护的健康信息或个人身份信息时,此协议不适用),(3) 电子邮件项目(。 1) 和 (2) info.globaldietarydatabase@tufts.edu。请使用主题行“GDD 代码访问请求”。收到所有文件后,全球膳食数据库团队将在 2-4 周内与您联系,了解后续步骤。数据将作为 .csv 或 .xlsx 文件共享,并在适当时使用压缩格式。 每个阶层和年份的人口权重来自联合国人口司 (),并补充了 Barro 和 Lee (doi:[10.3386/w15902][1]) 和联合国 () 的教育和城市或农村状况数据。 [1]:/lookup/doi/10.3386/w15902