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IPOs and knowledge management practices: a systematic literature review and future research agenda
Journal of Knowledge Management ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-08 , DOI: 10.1108/jkm-08-2023-0746
Niccoló Nirino , Enrico Battisti , Michal Erben , Antonio Salvi , Stefano Bresciani


The purpose of this paper is to explore the connection between initial public offerings (IPOs) and knowledge management (KM). Specifically, the manuscript critically examines the literature on IPOs and KM underlying how KM practices influence the IPO processes of companies.


The authors employ a systematic literature review methodology to identify and thematically investigate 21 articles published in journals by the Chartered Association of Business Schools (ranked 2, 3, 4, 4*).


This research sheds new light on the relevance of KM practices in the context of IPOs. Specifically, the authors identify four crucial aspects concerning companies that opt for an IPO: (i) reasons for IPO and the role of KM; (ii) IPO process and the role of KM; (iii) underpricing and the role of KM; (iv) post-IPO and the role of KM.


This paper shows the pivotal role of effective KM strategies in fostering a successful IPO. Additionally, it provides practical recommendations for companies seeking to effectively harness their intellectual assets during the IPO process.




本文的目的是探讨首次公开募股(IPO)与知识管理(KM)之间的联系。具体来说,该手稿批判性地审查了有关 IPO 和知识管理的文献,揭示了知识管理实践如何影响公司的 IPO 流程。


作者采用系统文献综述方法,对特许商学院协会(排名 2、3、4、4*)在期刊上发表的 21 篇文章进行了识别和主题调查。


这项研究为首次公开募股背景下知识管理实践的相关性提供了新的线索。具体而言,作者指出了选择 IPO 的公司的四个关键方面:(i) IPO 的原因和知识管理的作用; (ii) IPO 流程和知识管理的作用; (iii) 抑价和知识管理的作用; (iv) 首次公开募股后和知识管理的作用。


