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NAP7 – something for everyone
Anaesthesia ( IF 7.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-07 , DOI: 10.1111/anae.16405
Mike Charlesworth 1

Ward and Iliff suggest there have been too many NAP7 papers [1], which makes it difficult to discern and retain key information [2]. All 12 papers went through our normal peer review processes and were judged by their own merit to have met or exceeded the standards required for publication. The series was spread over two years, with the reporting of the methods first (September 2022, 5200 downloads) followed by the activity survey (March 2023, 9200 downloads), the five main results papers (November 2023, 21,500 downloads) and several specialist papers focusing on topics such as obstetrics [3], anaphylaxis [4], airway management [5] and resuscitation decisions [6].

Peri-operative cardiac arrest is a broad topic encompassing all areas of clinical practice. This perhaps explains why so much data were collected and analysed. Dissemination was through a combination of gold open-access publishing; posts on social media platforms (> 1 million cumulative impressions); author interviews (> 67,000 viewers); and podcasts (> 4200 listens). That said, the content of a paper is always superior to the means of dissemination, and there remains no substitute for reading a published paper in full, critiquing the methods used and contextualising the conclusions reported. Anyone who feels NAP7 has passed them by would benefit from reading the main results papers from November 2023 and any of those relating to their specialist area(s) of practice published thereafter. While supplementary materials such as infographics are sometimes helpful, readers will always benefit more from engaging with the primary published material and reflecting on key messages relevant to their area of practice.


NAP7 – 适合所有人

Ward 和 Iliff 认为 NAP7 论文太多了 [1],这使得难以识别和保留关键信息 [2]。所有 12 篇论文都经过了我们正常的同行评审流程,并根据其自身的优点判断为达到或超过出版要求的标准。该系列为期两年,首先报告了方法(2022 年 9 月,5200 次下载),然后是活动调查(2023 年 3 月,9200 次下载),五篇主要结果论文(2023 年 11 月,21,500 次下载)和几篇专注于产科 [3]、过敏反应 [4]、气道管理 [5] 和复苏决策等主题的专家论文 [6]。

围手术期心脏骤停是一个广泛的话题,涵盖临床实践的所有领域。这也许可以解释为什么收集和分析了这么多数据。传播方式包括:黄金开放获取出版;在社交媒体平台上发帖(x3E 100 万次累计展示);作者访谈 (x3E 67 000 观众 ) ;和播客 (x3E 4200 听 ) 。也就是说,论文的内容总是优于传播手段,没有什么可以替代完整阅读已发表的论文,批评所使用的方法并将报告的结论置于上下文中。任何认为 NAP7 已经错过的人都会从阅读 2023 年 11 月的主要结果论文以及此后发表的与其专业实践领域相关的任何论文中受益。虽然信息图表等补充材料有时很有帮助,但读者总是会从参与主要出版的材料并反思与其实践领域相关的关键信息中受益更多。
