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Psychological distress, work–family conflict and family life satisfaction: A quantitative study of social workers in the UK
International Social Work ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-07 , DOI: 10.1177/00208728241267882
Selwyn Stanley 1 , Ciaran Murphy 1 , Rachel Brougham 1 , Carly Richardson 2

Frontline social workers work in difficult circumstances with clients who face significant trauma and distress. The increasing turnover of social workers is a matter of concern. This quantitative research explores psychological distress, work–family conflict and family life satisfaction in a sample of 104 social workers in North-West England. The findings revealed significant correlations among the variables. It was seen that family life satisfaction partially mediated the effects of depression on the manifestation of work-to-family conflict. Social work organisations need to introduce measures to enhance work–life balance, reduce psychological distress and promote the well-being of social work practitioners.



一线社会工作者在困难的环境下为面临严重创伤和痛苦的客户工作。社会工作者流动率不断增加是一个令人担忧的问题。这项定量研究以英格兰西北部 104 名社会工作者为样本,探讨了心理困扰、工作与家庭冲突和家庭生活满意度。研究结果揭示了变量之间的显着相关性。研究发现,家庭生活满意度在一定程度上介导了抑郁症对工作与家庭冲突表现的影响。社会工作组织需要采取措施,促进工作与生活的平衡,减少心理困扰,促进社会工作从业者的福祉。