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Child temperament and trajectories of student–teacher relationships quality
Child Development ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-07 , DOI: 10.1111/cdev.14150
Elizabeth Harvey 1, 2, 3 , Michèle Déry 2, 4 , Jean-Pascal Lemelin 2, 3, 4 , Vincent Bégin 2, 4

This study aimed to examine the associations between child temperament and trajectories of the three dimensions of the student–teacher relationship (Closeness, Conflict, and Dependency) during elementary school. Latent class growth analyses conducted among 744 French-Canadian students recruited between 2008 and 2010 (46.8% girls; M age = 8.39; 90.9% White; 49.7% with externalizing behavior problems) revealed four Closeness trajectories and three Conflict trajectories, but no significant variability between children in mean levels of change in Dependency. Surgency-Extraversion and Effortful control were associated with specific trajectories of Closeness and Conflict. Effortful control was also associated with cross-sectional assessments of Dependency. These results suggest that temperament is a useful construct in understanding developmental patterns of the student–teacher relationship across the elementary school years.



本研究旨在检验儿童气质与小学期间师生关系三个维度(亲近、冲突和依赖)轨迹之间的关联。对 744 年至 2008 年间招募的 2010 名法裔加拿大学生进行了潜在班级增长分析(46.8% 为女生;M年龄 = 8.39;90.9% 白人;49.7% 有外化行为问题)揭示了 4 个亲密轨迹和 3 个冲突轨迹,但儿童之间依赖性平均变化水平没有显着变化。Surgency-Extraversion 和 Effortful control 与亲密和冲突的特定轨迹有关。努力控制也与依赖性的横断面评估有关。这些结果表明,气质是理解小学阶段师生关系发展模式的有用结构。