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For whom are treatments for criminal recidivism effective? Moderator effects from a randomized controlled trial of justice-involved veterans.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-01 , DOI: 10.1037/ccp0000864
Daniel M Blonigen 1 , Kathryn S Macia 1 , Michael A Cucciare 2 , David Smelson 3

OBJECTIVE In a recent trial, moral reconation therapy (MRT)-a cognitive-behavioral intervention for criminal recidivism-was not more effective than usual care (UC) for veterans in behavioral health treatment. To determine for whom treatments of recidivism are most effective, we tested if recency of criminal history or psychopathic traits moderated MRT's effects on outcomes. METHOD In a multisite trial, 341 veterans (95.3% male; 57.8% White/Non-Hispanic) with a criminal history who were admitted to behavioral health treatment programs were randomly assigned to UC or UC + MRT and followed at 6- and 12-months. Incarceration (yes/no) or criminal conviction (yes/no) in the year prior to enrollment and psychopathic traits at baseline (median split) were prespecified as moderators of treatment effects on primary (criminal thinking, criminal associations) and secondary outcomes (legal, employment, and family/social problems; substance use problems and days of use). RESULTS Among veterans incarcerated in the year prior to enrollment, MRT (vs. UC) was associated with greater reductions in criminal associations (6 months) and days drinking or using drugs (12 months). Among those convicted in the year prior to enrollment, MRT (vs. UC) was associated with greater reductions in employment problems (12 months) and days drinking or using drugs at each follow-up. For those high in psychopathic traits, MRT (vs. UC) was associated with greater reductions in days drinking or using drugs at each follow-up. CONCLUSIONS For veterans in behavioral health treatment with recent criminal histories and high in psychopathic traits, MRT may be effective for reducing risk for criminal recidivism. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).



目的 在最近的一项试验中,道德再犯疗法(MRT)——一种针对犯罪累犯的认知行为干预——对于退伍军人的行为健康治疗并不比常规护理(UC)更有效。为了确定累犯治疗对哪些人最有效,我们测试了近期犯罪史或精神病特征是否会调节 MRT 对结果的影响。方法 在一项多中心试验中,341 名有犯罪史、接受行为健康治疗计划的退伍军人(95.3% 为男性;57.8% 白人/非西班牙裔)被随机分配至 UC 或 UC + MRT 组,并在 6 岁和 12 岁进行随访。几个月。入组前一年的监禁(是/否)或刑事定罪(是/否)和基线时的精神病特征(中位数分裂)被预先指定为主要(犯罪思维、犯罪关联)和次要结果(法律)治疗效果的调节因素。 、就业和家庭/社会问题;物质使用问题和使用天数)。结果 在入狱前一年入狱的退伍军人中,MRT(与 UC 相比)与犯罪关联(6 个月)和饮酒或吸毒天数(12 个月)的大幅减少相关。在入组前一年被定罪的人中,MRT(相对于 UC)与就业问题(12 个月)以及每次随访时饮酒或吸毒天数的更大减少有关。对于那些精神变态特征较高的人来说,MRT(与 UC 相比)与每次随访时饮酒或吸毒天数的大幅减少相关。结论 对于接受行为健康治疗且近期有犯罪史且精神病特征较高的退伍军人来说,MRT 可能有效降低犯罪累犯的风险。 (PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2024 APA,保留所有权利)。