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Treating Pediatric Feeding Disorders and Dysphagia: Evidence-Based Interventions for School-Based Clinicians.
Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-10 , DOI: 10.1044/2023_lshss-23-00016
Kristen M West 1

PURPOSE Children with pediatric feeding disorder (PFD) and dysphagia are increasingly prevalent in school-based caseloads. This tutorial discusses the current best practices for treating children with PFD and dysphagia as well as considerations for service delivery in educational settings. METHOD The rationale for treating PFD and dysphagia in an educational setting is discussed. A review of various interventions for PFD and dysphagia and a discussion of the available evidence are provided. The principles of experience-dependent neuroplasticity and theory-driven practice are discussed in light of the need for additional empirical research. Practical considerations to enhance evidence-based practice for PFD and dysphagia in educational settings are explored. RESULTS The reader will be able to identify evidence-based interventions for students with PFD and dysphagia and plan for the implementation of these approaches in the school setting. CONCLUSIONS Students with PFD and dysphagia require skilled interventions to support their participation in educationally relevant activities and to promote continued development of feeding and swallowing skills while at school. A discussion of the current evidence for various interventions is provided to promote the utilization of evidence-based interventions in school-based settings.



目的 患有儿科喂养障碍 (PFD) 和吞咽困难的儿童在学校病例中越来越普遍。本教程讨论当前治疗 PFD 和吞咽困难儿童的最佳实践以及在教育环境中提供服务的注意事项。方法 讨论在教育环境中治疗 PFD 和吞咽困难的基本原理。对 PFD 和吞咽困难的各种干预措施进行了回顾,并对现有证据进行了讨论。根据额外实证研究的需要,讨论了经验依赖的神经可塑性和理论驱动的实践的原则。探讨了在教育环境中加强 PFD 和吞咽困难循证实践的实际考虑因素。结果 读者将能够确定针对 PFD 和吞咽困难学生的循证干预措施,并计划在学校环境中实施这些方法。结论 患有 PFD 和吞咽困难的学生需要熟练的干预措施,以支持他们参与教育相关活动,并促进在校期间喂养和吞咽技能的持续发展。对各种干预措施的当前证据进行了讨论,以促进基于证据的干预措施在学校环境中的利用。