Sociological Science ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-06
Christof Nägel, Mathijs Kros, Ryan Davenport
Sociological Science August 6, 2024
Does (under-)performance of athletes from stigmatized racial groups influence the incidence of racial hate crimes? We consider the case of the English national football team during the 2020 European Football Championship and analyze whether the performance of black players during the final at Wembley affected the number of racial hate crimes committed in London. The three English players who missed their penalties in the final are all black English players. Combining insights from (displaced) frustration-aggression and scapegoat theory, we argue that the frustration of losing the final resulted in violence directed at racial minority group members in London. Our findings show that the lost final triggered a 30 percent increase in racial hate crimes in the weeks following the event. The immediate impact was larger in boroughs with higher pre-event levels of racial hate crimes, indicating a galvanizing instead of a mobilizing exacerbation of this trigger event.
Abstract Citation
三狮还是三替罪羊:伦敦 2020 年欧洲杯决赛后的种族仇恨犯罪
社会学科学 2024 年 8 月 6 日
来自受污名化种族群体的运动员(表现不佳)是否会影响种族仇恨犯罪的发生率?我们以 2020 年欧洲足球锦标赛期间英国国家足球队为例,分析黑人球员在温布利决赛中的表现是否影响了伦敦发生的种族仇恨犯罪数量。决赛中罚丢点球的三名英格兰球员都是黑人英格兰球员。结合(流离失所的)挫折-攻击和替罪羊理论的见解,我们认为输掉决赛的挫折导致了针对伦敦少数族裔群体成员的暴力行为。我们的调查结果显示,决赛失利导致种族仇恨犯罪在事件发生后几周内增加了 30%。在事件发生前种族仇恨犯罪水平较高的行政区,直接影响更大,表明这一触发事件是激励性而非动员性加剧。