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From improbable to possible: pregnancy with advanced chronic kidney disease
Nature Reviews Nephrology ( IF 28.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-07 , DOI: 10.1038/s41581-024-00882-6
Alejandra Orozco-Guillén 1

Reproductive health is an acknowledged right, yet women with chronic kidney disease (CKD) not only face reduced fertility but also higher risks of adverse pregnancy outcomes for mother and baby. These risks are higher in underserved populations, but they can be minimized through empowerment, education and adequate health-care support.

In Mexico, nearly 37% of the population lives in poverty, with ~8% living in extreme poverty, and this social context affects access to health care. Consequently, after a first encounter at birth, often the second time a woman sees a doctor is when she gets pregnant. Kidney disease is therefore often undiagnosed and might only be detected during pregnancy. Poverty, low availability and limited quality of medical services, lack of family planning programmes, and a high frequency of adolescent pregnancy translate into high morbidity and mortality in high-risk pregnancies.



生殖健康是一项公认的权利,但患有慢性肾病 (CKD) 的妇女不仅面临生育能力下降的问题,而且母亲和婴儿出现不良妊娠结局的风险也更高。这些风险在服务不足的人群中更高,但可以通过赋权、教育和充足的医疗保健支持来最大限度地降低。

在墨西哥,近 37% 的人口生活在贫困中,其中 ~8% 生活在极端贫困中,这种社会环境影响了获得医疗保健的机会。因此,在出生时第一次就诊后,女性第二次看医生通常是在怀孕时。因此,肾脏疾病通常未被诊断出来,可能只有在怀孕期间才会被发现。贫困、医疗服务的可及性和质量有限、缺乏计划生育规划以及青少年怀孕的高频率导致高危妊娠的高发病率和死亡率。
