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Effects of bacteriocin-producing Lactiplantibacillus plantarum on bacterial community and fermentation profile of whole-plant corn silage and its in vitro ruminal fermentation, microbiota, and CH4 emissions
Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-07 , DOI: 10.1186/s40104-024-01065-w
Ziqian Li 1, 2 , Samaila Usman 1, 2 , Jiayao Zhang 1, 2 , Yixin Zhang 1, 2 , Rina Su 1, 2 , Hu Chen 1, 2 , Qiang Li 1, 2 , Mengya Jia 1, 2 , Tunde Adegoke Amole 3 , Xusheng Guo 1, 2

Silage is widely used to formulate dairy cattle rations, and the utilization of antibiotics and methane emissions are 2 major problems for a sustainable and environmentally beneficial ruminant production systems. Bacteriocin has received considerable attention because of its potential as an alternative to antibiotics in animal husbandry. However, the impact of bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacteria on the microbiological conversion process of whole-plant corn silage and rumen fermentation remains limited. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of 2 class IIa bacteriocin-producing strains Lactiplantibacillus plantarum ATCC14917 and CICC24194 on bacterial community composition and ensiling profiles of whole-plant corn silage and its in vitro rumen fermentation, microbiota, and CH4 emissions. Both bacteriocin-producing strains increased the lactic acid concentration in silage fermented for 7 d, whereas the lowest lactic acid was observed in the ATCC14917 inoculated silage fermented for 90 d (P < 0.05). The highest DM content was observed in the CICC24194 treatment (P < 0.05), and the silages treated with both strains had the lowest DM loss (P < 0.05). Bacteriocin-producing strains promoted the growth of Levilactobacillus brevis on d 60 of ensiling. In addition, treatment with bacteriocin-producing strains increased the in vitro DM digestibility (P < 0.05) and decreased the CH4 production (P < 0.05). The results of random forest and clustering analyses at the genus level showed that ATCC14917 increased the relative abundance of the influential variable Bacillus compared to that in the control group, whereas CICC24194 decreased the relative abundance of the influential variable Ruminococcaceae UCG-005. The CICC24194 treatment had the lowest total bacterial, fungal, protozoan, and methanogen populations (P < 0.05). Both class IIa bacteriocin-producing L. plantarum strains improved the fermentation quality of whole-plant corn silage by regulating the bacterial community composition during ensiling, with CICC24194 being the most effective. Both bacteriocin-producing strains mitigated CH4 production and improved digestibility by modulating the interactions among rumen bacteria, protozoa, methanogens, and the composition of fibrolytic bacteria.



青贮饲料广泛用于配制奶牛日粮,抗生素的使用和甲烷排放是可持续且对环境有益的反刍动物生产系统的两个主要问题。细菌素因其作为畜牧业抗生素替代品的潜力而受到广泛关注。然而,产生细菌素的乳酸菌对全株玉米青贮饲料和瘤胃发酵的微生物转化过程的影响仍然有限。本研究的目的是评估 2 种 IIa 类细菌素生产菌株植物乳杆菌 ATCC14917 和 CICC24194 对全株玉米青贮饲料及其体外瘤胃发酵、微生物群和 CH4 排放的细菌群落组成和青贮特征的影响。两种产细菌素菌株均提高了发酵7 d青贮饲料中的乳酸浓度,而接种ATCC14917的青贮饲料发酵90 d乳酸浓度最低(P < 0.05)。 CICC24194处理中DM含量最高(P < 0.05),两种菌株处理的青贮饲料的DM损失最低(P < 0.05)。青贮第60天,产生细菌素的菌株促进了短乳杆菌的生长。此外,用产生细菌素的菌株处理可增加体外DM消化率(P < 0.05)并减少CH4产量(P < 0.05)。属水平的随机森林和聚类分析结果表明,与对照组相比,ATCC14917 增加了影响变量芽孢杆菌的相对丰度,而 CICC24194 降低了影响变量 Ruminococcaceae UCG-005 的相对丰度。 CICC24194 处理的细菌、真菌、原生动物和产甲烷菌总数最低 (P < 0.05)。两种产生IIa类细菌素的植物乳杆菌菌株均通过调节青贮过程中的细菌群落组成来改善全株玉米青贮饲料的发酵品质,其中CICC24194最为有效。两种产生细菌素的菌株都通过调节瘤胃细菌、原生动物、产甲烷菌和纤维分解细菌的组成之间的相互作用来减少 CH4 的产生并提高消化率。